Responses from trelja
BAT vs. Quicksilver Like Howard, I am also a really big fan of the 6C33B output tube. To me, in most every application I have heard it in has been a most wonderful sounding amplifier. This most certainly includes the BAT amps. For me, I think the BAT would be my hear... | |
What is the Meadowlark house sound? Meadowlarks offer tremendously clean and clear sound. Very open and spacious. Midrange and treble is glare free and easy to listen to, but with the detail and clarity. Bass is where I have always found these smaller Meadowlarks to fall down. Light... | |
Music Hall CD-25 or original Rega Planet? Hi, Bob! Hope to see you again soon. You are correct that the Cambridge 640C was not available when I got my Music Hall. However, Bill called me once to rave about them, and asked me to come over to give his a listen, as he was selling them. Since... | |
EL34 vs. KT66 output tubes Well, that's why they make vanilla AND chocolate.Most people, me among them, prefer the EL34 over the KT66 (and 6L6/5881), but the important thing is that you have found YOUR best tube! | |
Music Hall CD-25 or original Rega Planet? Marty, if you don't do much digital, you may well prefer the Planet. It has a smooth, relaxed nature that would appeal to someone who definitely tends to vinyl.That being said, I have owned the Music Hall, and for me, it was the clear choice. In f... | |
Best power tube for Rogue Audio M120 Magnum In my Jadis and Granite amps, the Ei KT90 definitely made the best power and bass. Was probably the most "neutral" as well. And, the 6 years of heavy use on them proved them to be more than reliable.However, the JJ E34L and KT88 proved far better ... | |
What numbers are important in SS amps specs Jeez, you're slipping Viridian!!! You didn't even include PI or the conversion for pounds to pounds per square inch... | |
What happened to the loudness control? What about instructions for the secret handshake, or is that type of information only revealed during the ceremony? | |
What happened to the loudness control? I think it's going to snow this July; I'm agreeing with Onhwy61 in quite a few posts lately.As stated above, the Fletcher - Munson Curve still applies. Listening to an audiophile system at low volume shows how far off things can be. I always scrat... | |
Best Cd Player under $100,000 Ellery911, if your player hasn't yet sold, would you consider the same deal for me? I am willing to pay the 3% PayPal fee if you can swing splitting the shipping costs with me. Please let me know!Whew, I sure am glad I'm going to be able to get a ... | |
Why don't kids nowadays know about Jazz and classi You and I do not disagree, Papertrail.It is our responsibility to teach our children just as you said. And, I often jump through a lot of hoops in vain to get my daughter to eat food beyond meat, ice cream, candy, and chips (her 4 basic food group... | |
High impedance Speakers Ah, Ralph, now that I see you have added your wisdom to this thread, it popped into my mind that you are the longtime guru of this topic! | |
Why don't kids nowadays know about Jazz and classi I think Viridian and Onhwy61 are displaying a supreme level of wisdom in this thread with their posts. My hat is off to both of them. To subjugate another human being to what one considers the "correct" or "preferred" style of anything in life is ... | |
Best caps for speaker crossover? Often, one should be pretty judicious when changing caps. They definitely add a "flavor" to the sound, and the direction they take the sound can be the opposite of what is desired. One should begin with the baseline, assess what changes are desire... | |
High impedance Speakers The Alon Lotus SE are also high impedance, and supposedly work quite well with SET/OTL tube amplification. Great company as well. |