
Responses from trelja

tube amplifier auto bias- accurate?
While autobias is certainly more convenient, and I do not know if one is better than the other sonically, I have heard manufacturers claim that adjustable bias normally yields longer tube life.In fact, Rogue's new amplifiers have made the switch f... 
"They simply don't make them like this anymore"
While Jadis is certainly still current, they were more popular in this country during the era that you mentioned Threshold and Carver in. I had one in mothballs, and recently sold it to clear out some stuff. I have two other pairs of tube amps tha... 
Zobel network
Merlin uses a Zobel.Dynauadio and Thiel have so many parts in their crossovers, despite a great deal of them being first order, that I would guess there is a Zobel in there.Whether or not you actually need one is more the question. There are two s... 
Need a dummy crash course on soldering fem.RCAs
A most superlative post, Rockvirgo! 
high ac voltage destrucive or not?
Nice one, Elgordo! Hysterical!!! 
Only three manufacturers?
Not really sure why Playboy is engendering so much animosity here. Personally, I'm glad they are sticking their nose into speakers. Hopefully, they will reciprocate in kind and let me go noodling around in their business. I got more than a few ide... 
Better than AQ Midnight + Speaker Cables?
Sorry to take so long to respond to you, Larryb. I lost track of this thread. My apologies. I know precisely what you mean by the dryness of the midrange and treble of the Midnight. In the systems I have tried it in, including my friends, the cabl... 
CD player with variable output
Jimi_p, one suggestion I would like to make is the use of variable attenuators between your amp and CD player. A couple of companies make them, and I picked up a new pair, with outstanding parts/build quality for $160. Using just one, high quality... 
Players made in U.S.A.?
Aball, I have a lot of experience with the Jolida JD100, and couldn't feel more differently than you. I have always felt its achilles heel is a murky, unrefined sound. It is a nice player to be sure, and represents good value. However, the Music H... 
Players made in U.S.A.?
Hearing the Cary players are made in Asia is disheartening.I checked on my Granite, and did not see a "Made in" anywhere on the player, interestingly enough. Still, I believe that all Granite equipment is made in Arizona, but I could be wrong. Nev... 
Players made in U.S.A.?
You may want to check out the Granite Audio 650. While it lists for $1500, I think you can pick it up for a good bit under $1000 new. I own the 657, which includes the 650 (solid state output), and it is a better player to my ears than the Jolida ... 
Better than AQ Midnight + Speaker Cables?
Larryb, your experiences with AQ Midnight mirror mine. I was also more than disappointed with the bass response. From their literature, the copper, and the very heavy AWG, it should be powerful, but I found the opposite.Other cables that I found t... 
Berning ZH270 - Wiring Upgrade
My friend Mark Paul, who doesn't often get involved in the Audiogon chat, but hopefully will in this thread has had his Berning upgraded. He feels it is 100% necessary. 
Good 845 integrated
Unfortunately, there are not as many 845 amplifiers as there should be.The Bel Canto is one of the seminal products in this category. I was fortunate enough to hear it a long time ago when a local dealer carried the brand. I really liked it, and i... 
Speakercable w vg definiton of drumssounds.
Best I have ever heard was shotgun double biwire run of AudioQuest Dragons. Garden hose, using OCC silver. Felt like I had an extra octave of explosive bass over any other cable I have tried in my system. Nothing else has even come close. If you w...