Responses from trelja
Help Audiophile jcfrech stuck in Tokyo-for ... Excellent help provided here by Jeff! | |
Music Hall CD-25 vs. Shanling CD-S100 : Same? I also have the first generation Music Hall remote. You guys hit it on the head, what a lousy piece of junk. On the plus side, so far, I have not had any issues with it. But, most players available at KMart have a better looking remote.The new one... | |
dynaco tube cdp I think Sean is probably the guy to ask about this one. I remember a few years back that he was in the market for one.I have heard from someone (can't remember who now), that he had two Dynaco CD players, one tube, the other not. His strong opinio... | |
Virtual Dynamics vs Maple Audio cables An Audiogon buddy here and I did a shoot out between two CD players - the Music Hall MMF25 and the Cal Alpha/Delta combo.Initially, the Cal rig was running Virtual Dynamics interconnect, and the MH was using HomeGrown Audio Silver Lace. The two we... | |
tube integrated's The Jolida and Rogues offer VERY different sound. The Rogue is more neutral and big sounding. It's tube complement is 4 6550/KT88. The Jolida is more rich and warm, and uses 8 EL34. I can't say which is more powerful, but the Jolida answers the re... | |
Zu Cable & Loudspeakers East Coast Speaker Demo I will try to attend. There may be other PAAG members who may want to join in as well.Thanks for the heads up!Joe | |
I need to replace my E34 tube on my Audio Aero Amp I personally like the JJ tubes, but there are just as many out here who prefer the Svetlana. The two have different sounds, it's a question as to which are more suited to you.Svetlana are warmer and sunnier, JJ are more forward and open. Both are ... | |
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers Sean, thank you for the kind words, but I think you are more than capable of taking care of things here. You prove yourself here on Audiogon on a day in - day out basis. You demonstrate knowledge, experience, curiosity, truth, and passion when it ... | |
Best of your best - Your Top 25 Ah Shubert, we need to catch up at some point...The Main Point! My neighbors George and Charlotte Britton were the owners, in addition to founding the Philadelphia Folk Festival. I guess the Folk Festival also deserves to be on the list.Rizzo is g... | |
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers I will have the good fortune of having a true transmission line loudspeaker in my main system for the weekend. It will allow me the opportunity to compare and contrast these two alignments in my room, using my system.Heretofore, my experience with... | |
Best of your best - Your Top 25 I think you are right about the chamber music Shubertmaniac, but I should check it out. I guess I need to wade in to that realm of music.As they say, that was a pitiful Santa, and he was also mercilessly told so by the boobirds.Hopefully, the loss... | |
Abandonning Powered Speakers - Why? On the other side, I am not interested in powered speakers.Personally, I desire the freedom to make my system sound the way I want. And, that can change over time or with the music I want to hear or with whom I am listening with or depending on wh... | |
Sony SCD-C 555ES Congratulations! The Audiogoners again to the rescue. Yes, this should be a fine sounding player, especially on SACD. I think that with good source material and a mid level or better system, this player doing the SACD thing should flat out make so... | |
Brief Montreal Show report Dbamac, or anyone else attending the show - do you have any thoughts on who you thought featured good sound, OK sound, poor sound? Also, which companies were in attendance? | |
any thoughts on cambridge azur cd 540/640? A follow up to my earlier remarks on the Cambridge 640C CD player...I have now heard this player warmed up, in a warmed up system. My conclusions are more or less what they were in the past, that the new player represents a serious step up in term... |