
Responses from trelja

Sony SCD-C 555ES
I would let it break - in more. While I don't own a 555, I do own a 333, and it errs exactly on the opposite side of bright. It is full bodied, rich, and features strong bass, but not harsh highs. Its weaknesses are that in resolution, clarity, de... 
Best of your best - Your Top 25
Metralla, I hope someone corrects me if I am wrong, but cream cheese may come from Philly. We don't take it too seriously, as New Yawkas embrace it more for their bagels. Perfect weather is nothing to sneeze at. My only question is, does it get bo... 
The Great Cryo'd Outlet Test
I am curious to see the outcome of this test. However, Ernie's opinions are more than good enough for me, and I will simply go with a regular old Hubbel 8300.El, your system is much more complex than the average audiophile's, but I really admire y... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
Time has shown the difficulty in designing a good Transmission Line. Also, as the name has a certain magic to it, some have claimed their designs to be TL, when in fact, they are not. I think the problem is that it requires a unique personality to... 
The Legendary ? Infinity IRS V
Tubegroover, your statements are 1000% right about Bill and Loretta! I think they are truly the finest two people in high end audio period.I was over on Saturday afternoon because Bill wanted me to hear the ASL 1009s driving the mid/tweeter column... 
Pioneer 563 universtal DVD player for less $200
Any audiophiles have opinions on this player? I hear tell that a lot of audiophiles are jumping on this player's bandwagon. Now, I may or may not go see about this player. I could always return it if it isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread,... 
Are You Happy With 2 Channel SACD?
I bought my two channel Sony SCD-C333ES at a fantastic price, due to the fact that it had been replaced by the multichannel 555. I had and still have absolutely no interest in multichannel sound, so the whole thing has worked out splendidly for me... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
Ah Sean, you have hit on one of my true sensibilities, tuning speakers to sound like they have more bass!I guess I should really understand why they do it, but like you, I don't like it much at all. A manufacturer often tunes the bass so that we m... 
Jolida JD100...giant killer or all hype?
I think the Jolida JD100 is priced exactly as it should be. I think the player fits in perfectly there. The giant killer is the Music Hall MMF25. I heard both the Jolida and the Cambridge C640 today at separate friends' homes, and have to say the ... 
Review: Merlin Music Systems VSM-MX Speaker
Great review, Spencer!Normally, we don't get to read such a thorough, well rounded review. I am really happy that you have found a speaker that seems to be a long term purchase.Good luck with them,Joe 
Red rose Affirmation made in china, any problems??
You make good points there, Infinity_audio, and as I said previously, I am a fan of Red Rose gear. Good sounding stuff, on the high priced side, but a bargain compared to past ventures at ML and Cello, so who can complain?Perhaps the issue that so... 
Red rose Affirmation made in china, any problems??
Again, I will say the Chinese have made astounding progress. I would even say the analogy of a growing teen undervalues them a bit. I would say they are like an engineer, two or three years out of college. No, they are not yet senior members of th... 
Red rose Affirmation made in china, any problems??
Infinity_audio, could you please let us know if you have any relationship with Red Rose?I have a lot of respect for Red Rose products myself, but if the product was available in a more cost effective manner, that would just be smarter on the consu... 
Does "Non Compensated" Reviewing Still Exist?
Very good discourse in this thread! I have laid back, as most of my views have been made clear in another interesting thread a couple of weeks ago.Spencer you raise some very good points. I believe the answer for dealing with issues, in terms of s... 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
I am anxious to hear the reactions of the crossover mods.However, instead of raisin the issue of the coils, I would like to caution that capacitors often need a long time to break in. Sometimes, there will be a lot of disappointment, but after a m...