Responses from trelja
Lowthers - Please educate a village idiot... An update on the Lowther situation...I have not yet visited Mike, and heard his Beauhorns, but we have been in contact,and I need to take the blame. School at night and on the weekends has made studying,along with a lot of home remodeling work sup... | |
Are vintage speakers really that good? A dear friend of mine who is one of the best speaker guys in the country, looked up to by the likes of Jeff Joseph and Carl Marchisotto, both of whom always praise him, can't tell me enough how special some of the early 1970's Japanese speakers(Sa... | |
Jolida 100 or Music Hall CD25 While others disagree, my friend also owns both, and clearly prefers the Music Hall. I myself, would also give the nod to the Music Hall, despite its lower price. | |
Any Experience with Audio Valve? Spencer, if you are in the Philadelphia area, it would be great to get to know each other more.No, Dave is probably not anyone's boy. It's a wonder that he stays in business. Although, I am sure his building is paid for and overhead is low since h... | |
Any Experience with Audio Valve? Sbank, Michael(Sufentanil) is definitely going to have something to say about Dave Serota at David Lewis Audio. Our boy Dave has the social skills of the lowest order. Wonder how he has kept from going out of business.I have heard Michael's AudioV... | |
Need good speaker cable for modest system. Coincident CST 0.5 is very close to expensive loudspeaker cable in price. $200 for an 8 foot pair. Great bass, a nice warm, full sound, with a lot of detail.Gets my recommendation every day of the week. | |
custom Crossover building service?? I agree, tweeters can fry pretty easily.If you want to do it simply, try a capacitor in series with the tweeter. This will give all the protection you need. However, depending on the sensitivity of the tweeter as compared to your woofer, you may h... | |
custom Crossover building service?? I neglected to also give AuriCaps my recommendation in terms of capacitors. | |
custom Crossover building service?? I can't believe we go through this every time someone wants to upgrade their crossovers!First, moving to better parts can and sometimes, dramatically, upgrade the sound. The danger area is in altering the topology of what has been built by the des... | |
any thoughts on cambridge azur cd 540/640? Sugarbrie, while I definitely agree with your assessment of the Cambridge D500SE with the stock cord, my statements were of the player with an upgraded cord.I consider it a mandatory upgrade on any CD player, and tried two very different sounding ... | |
Anybody knowledgeable re reconing drivers Millersound is indeed the best. As Bigkidz says, you will think your drivers are brand new once he is done.Bill LeGall is THE FINEST person you will EVER meet in audio. EVER! | |
Zaikesman's Username Pronunciation Field Guide Sean, didn't know you were gone, but glad you're back!Lot of funny stuff in this thread. | |
Zaikesman's Username Pronunciation Field Guide Interesting thread, and much needed! Thanks a lot!!!I pronounce my username trel - ja, like ja rule, not trel - ha ala a Spanish j.And, while people are often curious, it has no mystical meaning or representation, it's simply the way a company of ... | |
CES 2004 Best of Show Can anyone comment on the turnout?I have a friend who went out this year as an exhibitor, and I heard through a mutual friend that his assessment was that the turnout was astonishingly low this year. And, despite the vast number of companies in hi... | |
Is "live" music sound possible for under $1K I can't believe it's not butter! |