
Responses from trelja

upgrading Rogue 88 vs monoblocks
Bigo, the answer depends on your speakers... If you need the power, your should move up to the 120s. Otherwise, the improved sonics of the Magnum Series is the way to go.As an example, in speaking to Mark O'Brien about my Coincidents, he told me a... 
Very Sad News: Jason Bloom of Apogee Is Dead
Very sad news, my condolences to the Bloom family.Muralman1, you are so right. I long for the type of creative loudspeaker product in this market that people like Apogee produced. The past seems positively racy when one considers the people who br... 
jolida 202 or 302?
Judasmac, it looks like another tubeophile is beginning to emerge. Tubes can make a profound difference in an amplifier. In order of priority, I would say either circuit design or transformers are the most important aspect of a tube amplifier, dep... 
jolida 202 or 302?
Judasmac, I misread your original post. I thought you had efficient speakers, but you clearly stated your speakers were inefficient.Based on that, I think you opting for the 302 is even more imperative. Transformers, plus the number of tubes, are ... 
jolida 202 or 302?
First off, I prefer the sonics of the EL34 Jolidas(202/302) to the EL84 based 102 by a very wide margin. Not to mention, the extra grunt they offer to drive a wider range of speakers.Secondly, the 202 versus the 302...I think the 202 may have a sl... 
HE expo in SF this past week end...what was hot
One observation I made last year, in contrast to 2001, was that just about all the rooms sounded good. Very few systems last year sounded poor. In 2001, that was not the case, and I would say a fair number of rooms were particularly bad. Cost had ... 
Do you really need ultra expensive cables?
I feel sorry for anyone whose cost of cables is 30% to 40% of their total system. They could have had so much more music for their money had they spent it more wisely. 
HE expo in SF this past week end...what was hot
Thanks for the reports, guys!I do have a few questions?Did anyone who attended the previous two shows in NYC attend this show? If show, what were your impressions and comparisons? Also, despite much more involvement by Audiogon, I see far, far les... 
Could This Be Your Next Power Conditioner?
Twl, thanks so much for your perspective!I am quite interested in this myself. What are the costs involved? I know the standard answer is, "It depends...". But, I would like to know, could a 4000 sf home, which is energy efficient, uses efficient ... 
The Audio Critic
I saw an issue this spring in Tower Records. Looked through it, and read their list of most overrated/overhyped audio things. I remember tubes, CD players, and cables being on the list, so you know where they are coming from. Obviously, it didn't ... 
Have you tried the ART SLA-1 amp yet?
Wow, I checked out the Audiocircle and AA threads, and all I have to say is to ALWAYS go with your first impression.I am not sure if anyone remembers, but in the initial thread, here comes D911(Don) in out of nowhere, blowing the horn of a product... 
Have you tried the ART SLA-1 amp yet?
No trouble, Sean. Don't even give it a second thought!We have all been in the position of having to apologize here on Audiogon. I've been there, and not just once. That's what makes our group so special - WE ARE REAL PEOPLE. Anyway, fault isn't ma... 
Have you tried the ART SLA-1 amp yet?
I agree with Clueless, especially his assertion that a certain level of restraint is warranted. Like he says, it's hard to describe, I guess it's like pornography... However, once that line is crossed, we are now into the area of free advertising,... 
Pro vs. Consumer Equipment
I must admit that I also had one(and only one) experience with the Art DIO, and came away less than impressed. Public Enemy's "Don't Believe The Hype" would have been appropriate source material.Like I said, my experience was a single event. So, f... 
What do you think about this ?
It's an ugly situation to be sure. There are hard feelings. I don't deny any of this. Yet, it still does not fall into what warrants feedback being left. Viridian is 100% right. I realize that you are sore, but you need to get past this at some po...