Responses from trelja
Wanna know how noisy your AC is ? Sean, if possible, I would also like to give this a try.Thank you for your generosity,Joe | |
Worst remote nomination... I'll second the original Music Hall MMF 25 CD player remote. I have it, and while it seemed to work OK for Mwilson, unfortunately, I have not had the same experience. The range is lousy, you must point it EXACTLY, and even then, it has a not every... | |
Mac MC60s enough power for Apogee Centaur Minors? Robby, please do not get rid of the speakers! They are quite special, and your describing them as "glorious" is accurate.I suggest you try an Acoustic Research TDS202 unit in your system. This little gem doubles the volume of a system, with little... | |
Deepest Bass in the Known Universe... Yes, I read about this in the newspaper this morning. These guys who build 50 foot long concrete transmission lines in their floors don't look so special now, do they? | |
$9.99 CD Alert at Tower Records Metrella, I have the ad here if you need me to mail it to you. I found it in this past Friday's Philadelphia Inquirer. The flyer listed the stores from northern Virginia to Pennsylvania.They list the $9.99 in many different places. It's kind of th... | |
$9.99 CD Alert at Tower Records Yes, I figured SACDs would not be included Metrella. I would like a few more, however.In the ad, they mention ALL CDs regularly $18.99 and under will be $9.99. If they told you something else, somebody's got some splainin to do. | |
Tube ---- Ei 12ax7 OK, we'll all be waiting to hear about it, Zaikesman. | |
Is there a"giant Killer" CDP ? Disc, you have a great CDP there! I hope it provides you with many, many years of listening pleasure.Maybe it's just me, but the title of this thread is "giant killer CDP". As much as I like the Audio Aero products, the Prima is not a giant killer... | |
Tube ---- Ei 12ax7 Zaikesman, hello. Have you had the opportunity to give the Ei KT90s a listen in your amplifier? If you, we are curious to your impressions. Take care, Joe | |
First Sound vs Thor Kubla, from what I remember from their website, there was something or other about lack of returns or whatever(sorry for not remembering exactly). Coincidence? Maybe not... | |
Is there a"giant Killer" CDP ? The Music Hall MMF25 is the only player I know of which can be called a giant killer. Actually, it is not really a giant killer, because it does not kill any of the giants(Electrocompaniet, Audio Aero, Granite, etc.), but it is the best budget CD ... | |
yba cd3 or Audio Aero Prima cd player? The Prima seems to be a player people definitely love. I don't think one can go wrong with it. I may even buy one myself one day - have to give it a thorough audition. Playing the Devil's Advocate, however, I would hope you do give the YBA a shot ... | |
Tube ---- Ei 12ax7 These came with my Jadis integrated, and I have always found that amp to offer excellent tone. Like Newbee pointed out, not warm, but not cold or sterile either. I find them to offer a nice balance. It's nice to hear Zaikesman say they're the best... | |
Lowthers - Please educate a village idiot... Thanks for all of your input, Twl. You've really added a lot to my understanding.I am kind of expecting to really like the Lowthers. The less expensive Beauhorns used to strike me as being indescribably ugly, but actually the look is growing on me... | |
Lowthers - Please educate a village idiot... Distortion, thank you. I will certainly keep everyone in the loop.As an update, Mbhcid(Mike) and I have been in contact, and I will be taking him up on his gracious offer some weekend in September, once we work out the details. I gather he owns th... |