
Responses from trelja

good speakers matches for jolida 302b
In your price range, I would say the three speakers I would recommend are:1) Totem Arro. Exceptional sound, I would have no reservation going with this combination myself. In fact, one day, I might simplify and do just that. Misses the bottom octa... 
Coincident UHS speakers,,,,,,anyone own a pair?
I should clarify my statements about the Coincident Triumph UHS a bit more regarding the lower frequencies.In comparing them to another very good speaker, the other speaker used a porting alignment to give the impression of full bass and the abili... 
Jadis Eurythmie - Anyone ever listen to them?
While I have not listened to the Eurythmie, I can say everything Jadis I have come across has been incredible. Certainly at least as good as what is available.I may sound like a broken record but it is a crying shame what has happened to the brand... 
Coincident UHS speakers,,,,,,anyone own a pair?
I had the chance to accompany a friend on Saturday in auditioning a few small speakers, the Coincident Triumph UHS included.To be fair, we had been looking, along with another friend at many loudspeakers over the past week or so. For the most part... 
Rogue M-120 to Atma-sphere MA-1 Mk.II.2?
Ditto Greenman. Although I am a fan of Rogue, other than the ability to take control of a woofer's voice coil, the sonics of AtmaSphere amplifiers are several steps up from Rogue. 
Silver interconnects & copper speaker cable O.K. ?
As Sean wisely states, use what sounds best in your system.Like Mattybumpkin, I use silver interconnects and copper speaker cable. I also use a silver power cord. Up until recently, I also used silver speaker cable, but found that I need copper so... 
Music Hall Maverick SACD Player?
I have seen pictures and I have to say there is a definitely a strong family resemblence between it and the Music Hall MMF-25 CD player. The Maverick is somewhat more attractive - taller, more substantial looking, pewter in color as opposed to sil... 
Building a Subwoofer
Eldulcesol's suggestion is an excellent one. I sometimes use an NAD 2600A as a subwoofer amplifier with good result. This was their biggest amplifier of that iteration of the Monitor Series. 150 wpc continuous, rated extremely conservatively with ... 
Audiophile grade CD Carrousel/changer? Am I crazy?
I can personally vouch for the Sony SCD-333ES changer I use in my second system. Build quality continues to impress me over one year later. I don't think many at Sony lose sleep in feeling they will have to repair machines in the 5 year warranty p... 
Audiophile grade CD Carrousel/changer? Am I crazy?
I can personally vouch for the Sony SCD-333ES changer I use in my second system. Surprising sonics, plus SACD. I bought it expecting to return it because I thought it would feature mass - fi digital sound - thin, constrained, bright, harsh, no bas... 
Building a Subwoofer
Slappy, first off, GOOD LUCK!You shouldn't have as much trouble as a lot of people will try and tell you.Second, I am not so hot on using a car subwoofer for a driver, Infinity or otherwise. These drivers are normally 4 ohms, which may or may not ... 
Are the better $$$ 845 tubes worth it sonically??
Hi Sutts, how is everything?If Jcbtubes recommends something, TAKE IT TO THE BANK!!! 
Can CD's be loud and ok?
Lucinda Williams' "Car Wheels On A Gravel Road" is both one of the loudest and best sounding CDs I have ever come across. It is an HDCD, and easily sounds better than a "normal" CD on a regular player. But, on my HDCD player, the difference become... 
Sony's New SACD Player
Sometimes, digital reminds me a lot of automobiles...This year, you can get everything you want, but in two years, the new body style is coming, and it sure is a lot sweeter than that of today. Then, when it finally gets here, the options you want... 
Krell SACD now shipping
Jla, your knowledge of this new Krell is impressive.Will the Krell output a DSD signal? I think we are all waiting for the day when more reasonably priced SACD machines, such as this one, have this feature. Also, is this player stereo or multichan...