
Responses from trelja

Where have the long-time regulars gone?
Tim, I think that you completed the list... Thunders and Killerpiglet kept things interesting.Oh yeah, Sluggo and Sluggo2. Really funny posts. And, does anyone remember Joe_coherent(sic)? Interesting cat.Here's my personal backing up of Dave's men... 
how good is sacd1000 on red book
Sean, I know you are into rock music pretty heavily, but if you have any jazz leanings, I have found that the Charles Mingus "Mingus Ah Um" SACD to be a disc that I really like. Upright bass is quite realistic; the notes have the correct attack, c... 
Where have the long-time regulars gone?
Scott, you need to add yourself to the list. I for one, miss your insights greatly.As far as Carl goes, I would LOVE to see him return.By the way, where is Natalie???And, Brulee, Eldragon, and Redkiwi, you guys need to get your props in this threa... 
Tube combos for a jolida 302B
In general, I find the Shuguang tubes in the Jolida to give the amp a slow, recessed sound. For the power tubes, either Svetlana or JJ tubes are a worthwhile upgrade. Despite what Jolida has said, I really like the JJ(Tesla/Teslovak) E34L in this ... 
how good is sacd1000 on red book
Sean, thanks for your detailed report on this player. Please give SACD a shot, and let us know what you think.I agree with your assessment of the modders. If I ever have my SCD333-ES player done, it will be Ric at EVS who does the work. 
Help me tame the brightness of my Triangles
Paul, I think that the concensus at least seems to be that you should look into different cable. While I don't have much experience with Cardas over the past few years, I would suggest that you just try something else. Something with a warmer repu... 
Help me tame the brightness of my Triangles
Paulraphael, what you are describing about the Triangles is common. The upper mids/lower treble is a bit harsh. This is related to three things. First, Triangle keeps as much crossover out of the mid - tweeter as they can. Traditionally, a single ... 
The Legendary ? Infinity IRS V
Tubegroover, are you referring to Bill LeGall's pair?He actually has two pairs in his home. He has put over 1.5 years into each, and I must say that Bill is the most gracious, knowledgeable, thorough, detail oriented person I have come across in a... 
Designing a transmission line cabinet
Sean, you should get in contact with the transmission line guru, himself, Bud Fried. Although he is an irrascible type, and might spend all his energy dwelling on the top rather than front baffle, to me, it would be worth the effort.The critical t... 
Riddle me this...
Thanks for the cogent response Maxgain. I think you are right when you say we agree more than we disagree. Even if we did not, this has to be one of the most interesting and thought provoking threads on Audiogon in a long time. I am both priveledg... 
Riddle me this...
One thing I guess I should say that while I have an appreciation for low power SET amps, and the speakers which are needed to be partnered with them, that is really not my point in this thread.I think I have gone out of my way to trumpet tubes in ... 
Riddle me this...
Maxgain, I am glad you also joined the discussion.I, for one, do not let the word "accurate" go so easily. Why is it that the word accurate always is used to describe sound which is opposite of musical, romantic, lush, or warm? Why is the word "a... 
Riddle me this...
Ron, my thanks again for your participation in this thread. I do hear what you are saying. However, in my experience the new McIntosh tube amplifiers did not produce the sweet tube sound that I crave and have heard from older Mac products. Maybe i... 
Riddle me this...
Ron, I appreciate you getting involved in the discourse. You and Sean certainly make cogent points.However, allow me to comment on your assertions as that of an outsider. One who values the McIntosh name, but does not see anything in the current l... 
Tube novice here. KT88 or EL34?
Arthur, you should contact the manufacturer to see if one the amps would allow you to run either tube, EL34 or KT88.In many situations(such as in my Jadis amp), the manufacturer makes an EL34 version and a KT88 version. You can run both in the KT8...