Responses from trelja
Riddle me this... Great points, Twl! | |
Riddle me this... Ben Campbell is right on the money.First, you may need to look away from the American companies. Investigate products from Europe, many of which will be smaller companies most people have never heard of. They tend to offer amplifiers with simpler ... | |
What prevents DIY speakers to become the ultimate? In my experience, the one thing I would wish for is obtaining drivers which were matched very closely. For example, if a manufacturer specs a +/- tolerance of 1.5 dB, you very well could end up with 2 drivers which are up to 3 dB apart. Thankfully... | |
Anyone ever repaired a smashed dome tweeter????? Should we use a dental dam if we wish to be safe? | |
Which is a reliable CD changer? I agree with Joe_b, try a Sony SACD ES changer. You get a 5 year warranty, which should allay your fears. I own an SCD-333ES, and am quite happy with it. The build quality, fit and finish, and heft are impressive. The sound is much better than I a... | |
Are silver coated cables a bunch of hype? Red, I think I speak for a lot of us here when I say that I wish you came around more, like things used to be. That goes for you too, Bruce!Upon thinking of your post, I am tending to agree with your premise. Teflon and copper would have no intera... | |
Are silver coated cables a bunch of hype? Red, I may very well be wrong, but I believe that silver coated copper predates the use of teflon insulated wire.Twl, you are correct, silver oxide is conductive. Copper oxide is a semiconductor(can be conductive or non - conductive, depending on ... | |
All time classics? Your top 3 or 4? Great to see my dear friend Brulee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
No Return Address?? Thanks 2001impala!The more shipments I am involved in, the more I come to appreciate the USPS. I think that Priority Mail is the method of choice, if FedEx Overnight is not needed. In every case, the USPS has proven superior to UPS and FedEX Groun... | |
Jadis Orchestra, who has heard them? Thanks for bringing me up, Russ.Yes, I own a Jadis Orchestra Reference. I have always been happy with it, and doubt it will ever go for sale. In the 3 1/2 years I have had it, it has proved 100% reliable(Vinh tells me your Jadis experiences are th... | |
What is the sweetest sounding tube amp. The above suggestions are good. If you are happy with your amp and don't want to spend a lot of money, Hemihorn, try JJ KT88 output tubes. They are sweeter than EL34 tubes, and you will pick up some other positive side effects. Power will increase... | |
Are silver coated cables a bunch of hype? Until I heard Analysis Plus cable, I was always of the same opinion as Twl. My experiences had always shown silver plated copper to be harsh sounding. I became a fan of silver, and felt a big reason many felt silver to be harsh sounding was they w... | |
All time classics? Your top 3 or 4? Lists are always a recipe for a good thread. 1) Power amplifier - Marantz 8/8b. Look up classic tube sound in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of this amp. Still lusted over2) Integrated amplifier - NAD 3020. Provided a lot of enjoyment, smoo... | |
How do I set/adjust the bias on my tube amp? Well, lightning strikes twice Herman. You are again 1000% correct. Very good advice you gave, and as I don't know anything about the amplifiers listed, the line about contacting the manufacturer is key. 50 mA may be a good starting point. Or, it m... | |
How do I set/adjust the bias on my tube amp? Myraj, Herman is 1000% correct. I cannot add anything to it. You need to list the amplifier. |