
Responses from trelja

Subwoofer upgrade?
Golfnut, what is the alignment of the subwoofer? By that I mean, sealed, ported, etc. And, if ported, are you able to be more specific; 4th order, 6th order...Also, can you give me the dimensions of the box, and any driver specifics?If you are wil... 
SEAS Thor Speaker / NCMS Rhythm 9500 Unlimited
Tweekerman, my tweeters are a very common model from Vifa. I feel it is probably the best bargain in tweeters, very underrated and underappreciated. At just $25, it takes one to spend $100 to best it. However, I really should have upgraded it to t... 
SEAS Thor Speaker / NCMS Rhythm 9500 Unlimited
Tweekerman, thanks for the kind words. I agree with you very much. Especially, that a good tube amp offers more musicality than a good solid state amp.My own tube amp drives Seas P21 Excel mids with no problems. In addition, it also drives a pair ... 
Sub for Coinincents
I am not sure if Israel is making them anymore, but I use a pair of Coincident Troubass subwoofers. They were designed to serve as stands for the Troubadors and Digital Masters ala how Wilson uses the Puppies with the WATTS. Powerful, clean, and d... 
SEAS Thor Speaker / NCMS Rhythm 9500 Unlimited
After stumbling across a magazine written by Joe, in a bookstore far from home this weekend, I can honestly say I am disappointed in the Thor.Please understand my perspective, a person who learned a heck of a lot about speaker design by Joe D'Appo... 
Highly Polished wire????
Good points, Sol322 
Smallest tube system for bed room
I can personally recommend the following components, which would fit your bill(look for them used, and you will really be in heaven at half the price I list here):1) Jolida JD - 202 integrated amplifier($750). 40 wonderful EL34 tube watts. Upgrade... 
Highly Polished wire????
Bwhite and Dan, I thank you profusely for your research.It's no wonder that it was Silver Audio was the company I was referring to, without referring to them. They are one of my favorite audio cable manufacturers, and I now remember reading this d... 
Highly Polished wire????
Thanks again, Dan and Craig. I can think of no one on this site more knowledgeable than Garfish.As far as wire purity goes, I have to admit that I also find myself falling into the trap of being drawn into a product which offered 6 - 9s (99.9999%)... 
Highly Polished wire????
Dan,Thanks for the kind words. By the way, if you are interested in investigating the company where I once worked, check out their website: was in R & D, and developed many products over the years, whic... 
Highly Polished wire????
As a former chemist/material scientist, I have done a lot of work with metals and electricity. From whatever has not been forgotten by me, I can say that polishing metals does change a component's electrical properties. This is easily seen via res... 
Jadis Defy 7 info-EL34s??
You should send an e - mail to Jadis. In my queries to Jadis, they have only recommended two tubes to me(for several of their products). EL34/6CA7/E34L or KT90. They have told me the sound of 6550s is not as good, and their experience with KT88s h... 
Why SACD,DVD-A are already DEAD
Bbtuna hits on a lot of good points.SACD and DVD - A have failed(I feel OK in saying that) because they offer nothing to 99.9% of the public. Neither offers the improvement over vinyl or cassette that the CD offered. DVD - V vs VHS is analogous to... 
What difference does the "order" make with x-overs
As is always the case, Sdcampbell's opinion is the kind of offering that proves he is a real world guru in this hobby.One thing that I would like to add to his wisdom is that in addition to the issue of integrating the drivers into a "system", as ... 
Axiom M22 vs Triangle Titus + other 500 ramblings
I can only comment on the Triangle speakers, as they are the only ones on your list that I have recent experience with.While I am a very big fan of Triangle, from what you say you desire, they are not for you. Yes, they are fast. Very fast. But, t...