
Responses from trelja

Counterpoint Hybrid Amps: How do they sound?
Counterpoint products were excellent.Can you fault them? Sure, but you can do that with any product. Regardless of cost. I would say that they kept the tube flame burning during the zenith of the big, bruising solid state muscle amps. The tube inp... 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
Great point, Zaikesman.Ah, the good old days... Now, I should ask my good friend carl_eber(I am overdue on e - mailing him) to jump in here. The discussion was a lot more interesting back then.Driver, you are not only very knowledgeable in regards... 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
Great points, Jawiseman and Zaikesman. You are a sports guru, Driver.But, I would like to clue you in on OT in sports which you may not yet be familiar with. There is a buzzer at the end of the games in these sports, but believe it or not, it is p... 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
I guess the only thing I can say to those who do not see the dastardly ways of sniping is to correlate it to a sucker punch. Yes, the guy who gets the last deadly shot in wins. Yes, if you really wanted to beat the guy you would have thrown the pu... 
Cheap Sony SACD players: best STOCK/MODified
Joe,By the way, I bought the 333 instead of a multichannel machine because I have no interest in multichannel or HT. And, the thing I find the most annoying about the multichannel players is that they seem(in my admitted limited experience) to def... 
Cheap Sony SACD players: best STOCK/MODified
Hey Joe! long time, no talk...By the way, I picked up a Sony SCD - 333ES player this spring. Couldn't be happier. I also own a Music Hall MMF - 25. Whichever one I am using makes me smile. In my system, I have had Arcam, Cambridge, Jolida, Linn, M... 
Is this thing for real?
Yes, as mentioned, they are for real. I too, saw them at the Show. Let's hope the idea dies a quick death. Gilbert Yeung was really proud of them. He was more interested in talking about the pumps than the BC3 preamp I just bought. My fiance found... 
Tube pre amp with 2 outputs for Biamping
The Blue Circle BC3/BC3000 has two outputs. Blue Circle really makes a special preamp. Have to second the Air Tight and Jadis recommendations as well(didn't know they had 2 outputs). 
Met Richard Vandersteen today
Richard Vandersteen makes wonderful speakers. You were lucky to have this opportunity.To the list, I would add ACI/Dzurko, Eggleston, Legend, Meadowlark, Sequerra, and Wilson. Several Acarian, B & W, JMlabs, and Tannoy models are also time ali... 
Options on a new DAC for my Sony 333ES SACD player
I do not believe you will realize any benefit from an external DAC. In the opinions of people like Rick Schultz of EVS, a modded Sony SACD player such as your SCD - 333ES(which I also own), is a good bit superior to a player with an external DAC. ... 
TRELJA in New York, 2002
Thanks to all for offering up their views!Flyboy9999, please offer your thoughts in the future as well.What a difference a year makes! Last year, after ripping Talon, I had two guys who just wanted to kill me. This year, Sony and the horns paired ... 
TRELJA in New York, 2002
Thanks to everyone for the feedback! I think a thread like this really belongs to us, and invites all to offer up their impressions. I am but one person, and certainly no authority.It looks as if we all were on the same page with BAT and Joseph. G... 
Maple/light wood racks
Thedautch, I can personally recommend a Vantage Point Contours rack for you. I own one.The racks are available in several shelf(maple, cherry, black) and leg(many - i.e. silver, black, rust, etc.) colors. You can get 9" or 7" shelves. The one I ha... 
SEAS Thor Speaker / NCMS Rhythm 9500 Unlimited
Bryhifi, your last post jogged my memory. It's good to hear from you! From what I remember, you lived in the Collegeville area? If so, we are about 15 - 20 minutes away from each other. I live between Conshocken and Manyunk, in Whitemarsh Township... 
Some thoughts about value in high-end audio
Stunning post, Clueless!!!Wow, that is probably the most cogent thing I can say. Yes, the 80's were just as described. The hobby eventually turned its tastes to reflect that of the critic; someone who knows the price of everything, and the value o...