Responses from trelja
Counterpoint Hybrid Amps: How do they sound? Counterpoint products were excellent.Can you fault them? Sure, but you can do that with any product. Regardless of cost. I would say that they kept the tube flame burning during the zenith of the big, bruising solid state muscle amps. The tube inp... | |
My highest praise - for Audiogon Great point, Zaikesman.Ah, the good old days... Now, I should ask my good friend carl_eber(I am overdue on e - mailing him) to jump in here. The discussion was a lot more interesting back then.Driver, you are not only very knowledgeable in regards... | |
My highest praise - for Audiogon Great points, Jawiseman and Zaikesman. You are a sports guru, Driver.But, I would like to clue you in on OT in sports which you may not yet be familiar with. There is a buzzer at the end of the games in these sports, but believe it or not, it is p... | |
My highest praise - for Audiogon I guess the only thing I can say to those who do not see the dastardly ways of sniping is to correlate it to a sucker punch. Yes, the guy who gets the last deadly shot in wins. Yes, if you really wanted to beat the guy you would have thrown the pu... | |
Cheap Sony SACD players: best STOCK/MODified Joe,By the way, I bought the 333 instead of a multichannel machine because I have no interest in multichannel or HT. And, the thing I find the most annoying about the multichannel players is that they seem(in my admitted limited experience) to def... | |
Cheap Sony SACD players: best STOCK/MODified Hey Joe! long time, no talk...By the way, I picked up a Sony SCD - 333ES player this spring. Couldn't be happier. I also own a Music Hall MMF - 25. Whichever one I am using makes me smile. In my system, I have had Arcam, Cambridge, Jolida, Linn, M... | |
Is this thing for real? Yes, as mentioned, they are for real. I too, saw them at the Show. Let's hope the idea dies a quick death. Gilbert Yeung was really proud of them. He was more interested in talking about the pumps than the BC3 preamp I just bought. My fiance found... | |
Tube pre amp with 2 outputs for Biamping The Blue Circle BC3/BC3000 has two outputs. Blue Circle really makes a special preamp. Have to second the Air Tight and Jadis recommendations as well(didn't know they had 2 outputs). | |
Met Richard Vandersteen today Richard Vandersteen makes wonderful speakers. You were lucky to have this opportunity.To the list, I would add ACI/Dzurko, Eggleston, Legend, Meadowlark, Sequerra, and Wilson. Several Acarian, B & W, JMlabs, and Tannoy models are also time ali... | |
Options on a new DAC for my Sony 333ES SACD player I do not believe you will realize any benefit from an external DAC. In the opinions of people like Rick Schultz of EVS, a modded Sony SACD player such as your SCD - 333ES(which I also own), is a good bit superior to a player with an external DAC. ... | |
TRELJA in New York, 2002 Thanks to all for offering up their views!Flyboy9999, please offer your thoughts in the future as well.What a difference a year makes! Last year, after ripping Talon, I had two guys who just wanted to kill me. This year, Sony and the horns paired ... | |
TRELJA in New York, 2002 Thanks to everyone for the feedback! I think a thread like this really belongs to us, and invites all to offer up their impressions. I am but one person, and certainly no authority.It looks as if we all were on the same page with BAT and Joseph. G... | |
Maple/light wood racks Thedautch, I can personally recommend a Vantage Point Contours rack for you. I own one.The racks are available in several shelf(maple, cherry, black) and leg(many - i.e. silver, black, rust, etc.) colors. You can get 9" or 7" shelves. The one I ha... | |
SEAS Thor Speaker / NCMS Rhythm 9500 Unlimited Bryhifi, your last post jogged my memory. It's good to hear from you! From what I remember, you lived in the Collegeville area? If so, we are about 15 - 20 minutes away from each other. I live between Conshocken and Manyunk, in Whitemarsh Township... | |
Some thoughts about value in high-end audio Stunning post, Clueless!!!Wow, that is probably the most cogent thing I can say. Yes, the 80's were just as described. The hobby eventually turned its tastes to reflect that of the critic; someone who knows the price of everything, and the value o... |