
Responses from trelja

Bob Dylan, have an opinion?
I love Dylan's music. In the most difficult evenings of my life, I would always turn to Bob through my stereo. Singing along and playing the music as loudly and soulfully as I could. At some point, I would give it up, and go to sleep. Always felt ... 
Best Thread in Audiogon.
Personally, I found Sean's thread on the Radio Shack SPL Meter corrections to be the most informative and educational. By far. For entertainment, there are just so many that I cannot narrow it down so well. SORRY. Basically, if I see Albertporter,... 
Legacy anyone?
I attended the Legacy "demo" yesterday. I am calling it a demo, rather than a show. Mostly based on the scaled down presentation. No separate rooms(just a curtain), no food, no drink. Most of all, no Bill Duddleston. It seemed as if most of their ... 
Compare the Nautilus Tweeter to DIY
If that tweeter absolutely is for you, I would give B&W a try. If you don't ask, your answer already is "NO". You are correct, they may be unwilling to sell the parts to a person who does not own their speakers(and can provide them with a seri... 
Novice Bi-wire confusion
Some might criticize my thinking, but I always plan for the long term. Maybe trading off on the intial path to ultimately get to the best destination in the cheapest, fastest way. My recommendation is to initially buy the best full range cable you... 
Diva , PSB , Dynaudio or Meadowlark ?
Artemus, I am glad you like the Gold i. They have a very good sound. I do not own them, but have A LOT of experience with them. They are not difficult to place. In fact, I have found them more easy than most speakers. Their flared ports are locate... 
Diva , PSB , Dynaudio or Meadowlark ?
I am a big fan of Meadowlark and Soliloquy. That being said, if your amp can drive them(and I believe it can), the PSB Gold i is the speaker for you. You will be able to buy them at the $1500 - $2000 price point, new. If you cannot find a dealer w... 
No Silver Lace Speaker Cable owners?
Great to hear from you Sdcampbell! Although I would love to give the Silver Lace a try on my speakers, I have yet to. They are not cheap. $635 for an 8 foot pair, I believe. While that is still a bargain when it comes to silver, it doesn't transla... 
Legacy anyone?
Seems to be the same reactions from Legacy I have always gotten. They make great advertisement(like Bob Carver and Matthew Polk), and look astounding on paper. But, give them a listen, and come away feeling as if you heard the very definition of n... 
What's your profession? Age?
31. Computer programmer/analyst 
Coincident PC long break in?
Wow Leafs! You and I both have Coincident PC, IC, speaker cables, AND speakers. Hope Israel is smiling. I do have two power cords that I find better, but the Coincidents are very capable. I find them slightly superior to the Synergistic Research A... 
Which Tube integrated for Virgo?
To my ears, the Jadis integrated amplifiers(Orchestra, Orchestra Reference, DA-30, and DA-60) are the finest tube integrated amplifiers available(exotics excepted). Superior to Audio Research, Cary, Conrad Johnson, Jolida, Kora, Manley, Rogue, VAC... 
Best Find Ever???
My offering is a lot more pedestrian that what has been offered here so far. Nevertheless, it is mine. I went to a crazy sale one of the big local Philadelphia department stores was having in a warehouse next to the airport. The year was 1984. I w... 
Rega or Sony from a "digital dope"
Ramstl I heard the Rega inserted into three different systems. One with all Rega electronics, one with all Rogue electronics, and one with all Electrocompaniet electronics. Cables were Nordost or StraightWire. Speakers were Linn or Osborn. It is t... 
Rega or Sony from a "digital dope"
I have to back up Kitch29 on the Cambridge. After auditioning a large group of sub $750 players, it was the winner. And, not by a small margin. I found it good enough to buy. It will be disappointing out of the box, but just wait till it breaks in...