
Responses from trelja

Cheapest places to buy gear?
I can personally and wholeheartedly recommend The Stereo Trading Outlet. Not only are they a member of Audiogon, they are local to me(in Jenkintown, PA). I have dealt with them personally(in person) on numerous occasions. Since the mid 80's. Their... 
B W North Creek Crossovers
While the vast majority of audiophiles will love the kind of changes North Creek makes on a speaker, they are not for everyone. The changes will remove much of the brightness, irritibility, grain, and grunge of the speaker. While most of us say th... 
Rogue 66, Blue Circle 21, Kora Equinoxe
Haven't heard the Kora. The Rogue is great. Hard to do better. The Blue Circle is at least one step above it, however. I think Blue Circle is the most underrated name in audio right now. Give a listen to their products, and see if you don't agree ... 
opinions on the Houston GSP-02
Listen to Tml2. There are much better choices available to you. Rogue, Jolida, Quicksilver, Antique Sound, etc. I would even go for Golden Tube(another company out of business) before Houston. Why buy an amp that you will not receive any support o... 
Radio Shack Gold interconnects?
Why don't you just stop in to your local Radio Shack? They are dirt cheap. Pick up a pair. Try them out, and discover where you fall on this subject. And, if you hate them, simply return them. 
Granite Audio Power cord 555
Don, I appreciate your well thought out statements on the subject at hand. I am in particular agreement with your comments on silver plated copper. From my experience, it simply sounds bad. I am curious as to your assertion that PTFE(polytetraflou... 
Stan Warren mod of 9000es and 333es
Thanks to Simon and Ehider. Exactly the kind of information I was looking for. The player sounds intriguing, as I used to be very familiar with the Timbre products, and found them very good. As I said about Stan, there doesn't seem to be many who ... 
college kid needs help with budget amps
Lots of good suggestions here. NAD, Creek, Cambridge. I would also add that you should investigate a used(pre Y2K) Musical Fidelity integrated, and consider David99's Jolida suggestion. Either the 502 or 302 would be fantastic. And your friends wi... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
I have noticed nothing but improvements as a cable breaks in. Becoming smoother, less bright, more extended at both frequency extremes. I don't have a fancy apparatus for cable break-in. For speaker cables, I simply run them hard. Usually for two ... 
Morel Drivers and Tweeter Opions?
Morel drivers are excellent. Many of the drivers are copies of Dynaudio drivers. They have some sort of lisencing agreement with Dynaudio. The costs are much lower than Dynaudio. I think Morel excel in the midrange and tweeters. They do not seem t... 
Anybody firmiliar with the Zalytron Kits
Zalytron kits are really quite nice. Elliot can be a bit offputting to some people, but he is really a fine person in the speakerbuilding hobby. As far as the kits go, they are as good as almost anyone else out there sells. His designs are first r... 
Just getting started
I have read about the new Antique Sound tube monoblocks for $99(!) each. Couple that with a CD player with variable out(for volume control). For speakers, use anything like the $500 Triangle monitors, or cheaper(assuming the efficiency is high eno... 
What causes listener fatique? cure?
I guess we all have different interpretations on things. I am glad you like the Focal Ti tweeters, Sedond. While I simply love the woofers/midwoofers/midranges from Focal, I absolutely abhor their tweeters. Be they Ti, TiO2, or Kevlar. The Ti in p... 
What causes listener fatique? cure?
I find that most metal or inverted dome tweeters cause me listening fatique. Of course, there are exceptions. But, I haven't come across a lot of soft dome tweeters that irritate me. I find that I am becoming increasingly prone to the ill effects ... 
Music to test systems
Great choices so far. Here is my list, for what it is worth... 1) Lucinda Williams "Car Wheels On a Gravel Road" - dynamic, voice of coffee mixed with diesel fuel, excellent sense of guitar strings. 2) Dar Williams "Mortal City" - one of the most ...