Responses from trelja
Cary Cabling I agree with the statement by Lak on Silver Audio. Tubes in general, and Cary in particular are a match made in heaven with silver. And Silver Audio is about as good as it gets. Smooth, liquid, warm, yet detailed and full. What more could you want... | |
Radio Shack SPL Meter mods corrections Sean, to offer a "thank you" seems unworthy. I have had the privelage of reading countless informative posts during my stint on Audiogon. This has to be the most instructive, informative, well researched post I have had the pleasure to read. You c... | |
Best Midrange for DIY speakers Actually, the Accuton drivers have always been Thiel & Partner. You were 100% correct Sedond. I have the literature, circa 1996 or so. They made tweeters down to drivers capable of 40 or 60 Hz(now I cannot exactly remember - I looked through i... | |
silver vs copper ICs I am one of the bigger proponents on the site for silver. But, I also love many copper cables. I do NOT however, like silver plated copper. But, separate silver and copper wire in a cable are good. Silver, at its best, is not harsh or etched. Rath... | |
Best Woofer s for DIY speakers Dr Joe, you are not Joe D are you??? Wouldn't be surprised if it was you. Sneaking around this site with us. Ready to lend a hand... | |
Best HDCD player under US1600 Look into the Arcam 9/FMJ23 CD players. You might have to pick one up used. Very nice players. | |
Best Tweeter for DIY project Anyone have any experience with Raven or Cabasse tweeters? Both have VERY high sensitivity(96-98 dB/2.83V). Do they exhibit any tendency toward brightness, breakup(they shouldn't), harshness, etc(all the problems that soft domes solve). I stopped ... | |
Best Midrange for DIY speakers Sedond, Morels are clones of many Dynaudio drivers. Not ScanSpeak. From the HUGE voice coil diameters on down. There are sometimes differences in the baskets, etc. They have some type of agreement with Dynaudio to produce the designs. A great buy.... | |
Best Tweeter for DIY project The ScanSpeak Revelator is about as good as they get these days. | |
Best Midrange for DIY speakers I recommend drivers from Cabasse(impressive), Dynaudio, Focal, and Morel. I think, depending on the situation, these are all excellent. I have more limited experience with ScanSpeak, but many rave over them. | |
Best Woofer s for DIY speakers You first need to decide on what type of enclosure you will be employing. Sealed box woofers are VERY different from those used in a vented alignment. Other things to consider are what size of driver you are looking for, what type of music you wil... | |
Triangle Titus I am a BIG Triangle fan. I heard a small pair about a year and a half ago, and was smitten. Not sure if it was these, or the Comete. Also heard the Antal. But, most of my time was spent with the Zays(the biggest of this lot). I have to say that th... | |
absolute best component you ever owned My speakers are Coincident Digital Master w/Troubass subwoofers. A model no longer manufactured by the company. Analogous to Wilson Watt/Puppies or Verity speakers. Sort of pyramidal satellites, which use the subs as stands. Done up all in black, ... | |
Future proof DVDA/DVD/CD/CDR player. A future proof player is a ways off. Might even be a unicorn. Perhaps once we do have a universal player, they will pull the carrot away yet again. Multichannel will then be the next gimmick. This whole thing may be evolve into something like auto... | |
Homegrown Audio Silver Lace Interconnect Frmont, here is the rest of my system. Front end is a Sansui analog tuner and a Cambridge D500 SE CD player. I also use Coincident CST interconnect and HomeGrown Audio Super Silver(at times). This stuff all feeds a Jadis Orchestra Reference integr... |