
Responses from trelja

Your Best Hobbies (other than Audio)
I love both cooking, and exploring the great restaurants of this region. I work out 6 days a week. Mostly weights, but also walk about 1 3/4 miles during the week(to and from the train station). Gave it up for the winter, as I almost got hit by a ... 
The best CD Player for the money
Thanks Sugarbrie. I have found the Sony SACD players to not do as well with CDs as a lot of good CD players. I have never had a chance to listen to them in a real good system(the dealers who carry them don't have the best systems), but the dealer ... 
homegrown audio super silver i.c.
Silver Lace kicks the stuffing out of Super Silver in every area(other than price - $189). The sound is BIG, rich, full bodied, with menacing bass response. The clear, open, detailed sound of silver is retained. It is the best cable I have come ac... 
Tube Amplifiers?
Tubes are not the whole story. I am as guilty of this generalization as anyone here. But, look at Air Tight as an example. They can use KT88 or EL34, depending on which model. Why is it that Jolida, Rogue, CJ, etc. cannot do the things that an Air... 
The best CD Player for the money
Sugarbrie, I just heard about this D500 SE from Cambridge Audio yesterday. My dealer was telling me about it over the phone. Said being so busy over the holidays, he hasn't had time to sit down, and give it a good listen. I guess he didn't know it... 
Tube Amplifiers?
Rogue is the best of this list to me. I am not that big a fan of VTL. Especially their amps with LOTS of tubes. Too difficult to coordinate all those tubes into a coherent piece, in my opinion. My recommendation would be to get another of the Quic... 
Best new amp under $2k?
Leafs, I agree that anyone who wants a no BS reference quality speaker should pick up those Coincident Visionary References. I am not aware of anything better at that price. The three sided box has an 8" mid-woofer, and -3 dB point at 35Hz, so a p... 
Speaker Enclosures
Gmkowal it's great to hear that you are jumping into our hobby! You are many steps ahead of most of us(me included) in that you are a woodworker. As far as kits go, you have a lot of options. Check out Orca Design's( website for som... 
Best new amp under $2k?
Thanks for the information Leafs. I too, am using Coincident speakers. Digital Masters w/Troubass subwoofers. The best way to explain them is to picture Wilson WATT/Puppies ala Israel Blume. Very easy to drive, and wonderful, relaxed(unlike Wilson... 
Best new amp under $2k?
Leafs, what output tubes are you using with your Rogue? KT88s? Have you done any tube rolling(outputs or otherwise) with either the stereo or monoblock amps? I found the amp pretty cold and sterile sounding with 6550s. Are you using Coincident spe... 
How did U get into this expensive hobby?
We moved into a new house when I was 7 years old. I now had my own room. My dad was a big-time audio guy; first as a tech, then got his degree in electrical engineering(because of his love for audio). He built amps and speakers professionally(ahh,... 
Speaker Enclosures
Suburuguru, sounds like you are an actual speaker hobbyist. To me, it's like being in R&D. Even the best around have a 95%(at least) failure rate. Yes, it is a wonderful hobby. But, no matter what you do, you gain experience and knowledge from... 
Blue Heaven IC's vs. Home Grown Silver
HomeGrown Silver Lace walks all over Super Silver. A big a step up in the line of a company as I have found. Price is $190, as opposed to $80(they had a $10 increase). Super Silver is very nice audiophile cable, some will really like it, some will... 
EL34: Svetlana or Ei?
Lindeman5, thanks for your information! My Jadis takes a wide range of tubes: EL34/E34L/6CA7/KT88/6550/KT90. I always went around saying the 6CA7 was equivalent to the EL34. This is what I had been told, and did get these for a friend who needed a... 
Best 12" Driver?
Orca Design is THE US parts division of JMLabs, the maker of Focal drivers. Go to their website( for a list of dealers. I like Madisound, but Zalytron is good once you get over the initial hump of dealing with Elliot for the first t...