
Responses from trelja

Best Tube Amp for this Setup
I don't like tube amps with the PSB Stratus Gold i's. AT ALL. And I am one of the bigger proponents of tubes on this site. They are generally not up for driving your speakers(which I used to sell), especially at your price point. The problem is on... 
Cambridge Audio D500SE CD player
Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions. Lots to think about, and try. I can relate to the feelings of those around us thinking we are nuts. One thing I noticed last night was a really high noise floor with the player in place. Almost a hum, bu... 
High on Thier List, But Low on Yours
Thanks for reminding me about VTL John_l. I am in complete agreement with you on that. I really have put forth an effort into liking both Audio Research and VTL power amps. But always found them cold, analytical, and crystalline. That is not to sa... 
Cambridge Audio D500SE CD player
Dekay, thanks for your advice. The player is sitting on a 2 1/2"(I think, or more) maple butcher block, which Brulee sent to me last week. To say it is stable would be an understatement. I may use some more things in concert with this(I have been ... 
Cambridge Audio D500SE CD player
I will e-mail you Rcprince. Thanks for the heads up. I know that a good amount of the SACD are hybrids, so they will be backward compatible. Read it in the initial Sony ad for SACD. It seemed like they want it that way. 
Miles Davis - "Kind of Blue", Sonny Rollins - "Theme From the Movie ALFIE", Steely Dan - "Aja", Lucinda Williams - "Car Wheels On a Gravel Road", and The Clash - "The Story of The Clash". 5 is hard to whittle down to. 
High on Thier List, But Low on Yours
I guess this may turn out to be a very inflammatory thread. We will all list product, only to have lovers of that stuff become incensed. Nevertheless, it will probably fun as well. I agree that a lot of stuff is dependent on the situation, system,... 
Cambridge Audio D500SE CD player
Hello Mike. I will post a bit more on this player in the future. Yes, the sound has improved. But, still not to the point where I could be considered happy. Or that it is very much better than my old Pioneer. A bit off putting, considering all the... 
Audio Critic 10 lies>>>>>>>>>>
If you subscribe to The Audio Critic's theories, fine. Have a good time. If you don't(and you probably don't if you are on this site), that's also great. The main thing is you should be happy. If you need someone to either justify or dismantle you... 
Any opinions on Leagacy stuff?
As they say Flip, one man's meat is another man's poison. There are probably many who find them the best loudspeaker they have ever come across. I found the Legacy's to look fantastic on paper(and in person). The amount of drivers is quite impress... 
Any opinions on Leagacy stuff?
I sincerely hate to be the negative one in this post. But, Legacy speakers(along with Carver electronics) are the source of my biggest disappointments in audio. Both write great advertisement. Both are as underwhelming, and as disappointing(compar... 
Biggest Baddest Audio Cables
Hello Bruce! Carl, pick yourself up. I am extending my hand, if you need it. You can stop eating crow, because I am taking us both(and Bruce) out to the best steakhouse I can find. MY TREAT!!! Hold your head up high. You are far too knowledgeable,... 
Cambridge D500SE ??
Miked, the player does have a detachable power cord. I didn't even take the supplied one out of its wrapper. There is a caution on the box that the player does not include cables(interconnects), which my dealer told me about. I wouldn't have taken... 
Marantz SA-1 (Super Audio CD player) ?
By the way, I want to be clear. Until I see(and hear) this player play a SACD, I do NOT believe it. Otherwise, they would be advertising it as such. 
Cambridge D500SE ??
By the way, I want to be clear. Until I see(and hear) this player play a SACD, I do NOT believe it. Otherwise, they would be advertising it as such.