
Responses from trelja

Cambridge D500SE ??
I bought a Cambridge D500 SE today. Sounds pretty nice out of the box. I really needed a player to hold me over for the period of uncertainty(I had been waiting to upgrade for 3 long years). I compared it to other players(in its class - didn't wan... 
Marantz SA-1 (Super Audio CD player) ?
Wow! You guys are true men. Able to turn a negative into a positive with the best of them. I bought a Cambridge D500 SE today. Sounds pretty nice out of the box. I really needed a player to hold me over for the period of uncertainty(I had been wai... 
Who is Most Beautiful female singer ever
Shuxia, now there's a STUNNING woman. Those kids have no idea how lucky they are. I saw a feature on her once in the newspaper. Had to tune in just to see her. Wow! 
Marantz SA-1 (Super Audio CD player) ?
Hello Simon. I noticed you have an impressive working knowledge of the new generation of Sony SACD players. Could you please be so kind as to answer a question I have? Do these new players initialize disks faster than the first generation players?... 
1955-2001 Favorite Top Ten Rock Groups
I also want to apologize for the many typos in the above post. I am horrified. 
1955-2001 Favorite Top Ten Rock Groups
Snook2, 3rd St Jazz has passed. It was not that long ago. 2 or 3 years? I think it was a sad day for lots of people. I saw the event on the tv news. Before which, I had no idea... People were scarfing up stuff like crazy during the going out of bu... 
Why Is Krell the a bad work???
Retroguy, I understand and agree with many of your opinions on audio. I form opinions by experience(in every sense of the word). The way all human beings do. I am not going to stand up, and give you a history of my audio experiences. That would be... 
1955-2001 Favorite Top Ten Rock Groups
WOW!!! You're really bringing back memories Shubertmaniac. Speaking of you, is your named derived from our Shubert Theater? Just wondering... Do you live in this area? Saw the aforementioned Tragically Hip/Eric Johnson concert at the Tower. Not su... 
HomeGrown Audio Impressions
Triotrio, I think you cannot go wrong with any of your choices. I have a Jadis amp(w/Coincident speakers). I own HomeGrown Audio Super Silver and Silver Lace. Also have Coincident CST(currently on my tuner). And I have had Silver Audio Hyacinth in... 
1955-2001 Favorite Top Ten Rock Groups
Kthomas, where do you live? I live in the Philadephia, PA area, and The Tragically Hip play here often. I have seen them open up for some pretty diverse company. Even Eric Johnson... Hopefully, you can find them close to you. 
Cambridge D500SE ??
Thank you for the detailed information Sugarbrie. Interesting how Sam Tellig reviewed the non - SE version a few months back, and listed precious little technical information. It would be nice if his reviews contained the same objective data(in si... 
Cambridge D500SE ??
My dealer has it. His assistant was telling me about it. Said he didn't have time to give it a listen. Too busy with holiday sales... Said price was unchanged($450) - that would be great if he's correct. He didn't say it was a 24 bit player, but I... 
Why Is Krell the a bad work???
Retroguy, I have no issue with your grammar. It is irrelevant to me. I am only concerned with content. While I cannot say your methods will win friends, I welcome your opinions. Whether I agree or disagree. And please give me the respect of not bl... 
diy power cord: Shinyata black mamba
Homegrown Audio sells 22 gauge, solid core, teflon insulated silver for $2.80/ft. 50+ ft would be $1.80/ft. I agree with Dekay, the cost would be too high for a DIY. At least using 30 gauge. With 22 ga., it would be cheaper. But still... You can f... 
Ken Burns' JAZZ starts Monday on PBS!
Amen Tubegroover. So far, I am enjoying the series. Has taught me a lot. And, if anyone can make a better program, do it. I'll watch that too.