
Responses from trelja

New AudioQuest line
How's it going Gthirteen? Thanks for your opinions. I have been a pretty big fan of the old AQ line, as you know from our dealings. Glad to know you are enjoying the Diamond. As you know, we are both big proponents of silver. I cut my teeth with s... 
SACD - Another year and ...
I have been impressed with the sound of the Sony SACD players. Have yet to hear the Marantz, but $7500 is more than I'm willing to spend on a player anyway. New and cheaper Sony is supposedly just around the corner. And I have also read about a ne... 
New version of MF "A3" int. amp.
Thanks for the info Sam! I will keep my eye out for that player. Think there is an excellent chance I will buy. I really love the A3. By the way, as I consider you the cable guru and quite up on the new Musical Fidelity products, have you tried th... 
Replacing my tweeters a good idea?
Again I am at a loss over you passing judgement about me. What would having feedback on this site have to do with anything(other than the fact that I buy a lot/not much through Audiogon)? I have completed two transactions on this site(and I don't ... 
New version of MF "A3" int. amp.
Sam, any idea on the price of the new player? Just might be the player I jump on. Thank you. 
Silver Banana Plugs
Gthirteen, how've you been? I can pass along a chart to you that lists wire gauges from 0 down to 40, if you'd like. 15 gauge wire is 1.448 mm2(or 0.057 inch2). Now just perform a simple area calculation. To find out what two 15 gauge conductors w... 
Replacing my tweeters a good idea?
$64K question: How could you ever ascertain where my horizons are, or aren't??? You know almost nothing about me... It does cause me to wonder that from your overly defensive and sensitive reaction to the comment, you may indeed be one of those ma... 
Coincident interconnect opninions
I need to take this opportunity to thank you in public Brulee for letting me audition these Coincident ICs and power cords. You are truly a prince in our magestic hobby. The more we converse via e-mail, the more I realize what a reference you are ... 
CABLES for Tubes?
Have to check in on the side of silver cables with tubes. Tubes are not nearly as prone to the nasties of what solid state can often sound like with silver. And to me, the silver just lets more of the music through. 
Replacing my tweeters a good idea?
Well thank you for providing your eulogy to us all. I do not frequent other sites, so I am relying on this thread for you to add something meaningful to both this person's problem, and my general knowledge. I would go along with the cable suggesti... 
Coincident interconnect opninions
I forgot to add one thing in my opinions. I may get butchered for this, but I have to report what I hear. You can all take your shots at me. Here goes... Of all the interconnects I have tried, in my system, the one that this sounds closest to is A... 
Tubes? Transistors? Which are better?
Tubegroover is right on every count. As far as which is better, I prefer tubes. I cannot say that solid state couldn't make me or another person happy. But, I do know there is a certain rightness to me with tubes that doesn't come along very often... 
Opinions on Counterpoint Amps/Upgrades
I used to have a lot of interaction with Counterpoint products. I had an SA-20 on loan for about 8 months. Time was around 1991. Was among the better brands back then. The hybrid technology in their big amps was nice. But, as time has progressed, ... 
6550 vs KT88 vs KT90
Rcprince, I am happy you put the question to Jadis. As stated before, they really seem to love the KT90. They go out of their way to recommend it in their products. I think Frank Garbie is a great guy, and seems to offer a lot of help. I have howe... 
B&O, overpriced artistic piece of audio?
B&0 sends my thoughts back to the mid 80's. Going to the audio salons. B&O was really big back then. The pinnacle of their existence. I remember the brands of audio from those days that these stores would push: Alpine, B&K, B&O, Ca...