Responses from trelja
Bananas vs. Spades I think the Axon spades are as good as almost anything you can get(if you are going to use spades). For some reason, almost all of the connectors in this hobby are gold plated brass. To find one which is gold plated copper(and this cheap) is a rar... | |
Interconnects for Tube amps My opinions are strictly my feelings of interconnects w/tube amps. Silver Audio are actually the best cables I have tried(4.0 and Hyacinth - I would like to hear 6.0). And while not cheap, nor are they expensive($250). HomeGrown are great too. And... | |
Simple Question. Simple Answer? I am happy for you Dekay. This field is one of those where prices are set by emotion, rather than logic. Of course it is supply and demand. But, as many in this hobby are fools, we all end up paying more. By fabricating your own jumpers, you can s... | |
Best speakers for looks & sound < 1000 By the way, I checked out the image site. Your speakers are REALLY nice. There is NO way you should replace them, as opposed to repairing them. Then I found the 220 mm Morel woofers at Madisound. $88 each. The less than $200 you'd have to spend co... | |
Best speakers for looks & sound < 1000 Would you consider replacing the Morel drivers? I think Morel is excellent. Many of their speakers are Dynaudio(designed by or exactly the same as - both via agreement), which offer that level of performance, at great savings. Eggleston(among othe... | |
Simple Question. Simple Answer? Yes, Homegrown, or a jewelry supply house for silver. Silver wire is $8.95/ounce for 4 - 18 gauge. $9.25/ounce for 20 or 22 gauge. Just for reference, 1 ounce of 10 gauge wire would be 2 feet, 12 gauge would be 3 feet(both certainly more that what... | |
~$1k Monitors...So Many Choices... I think you should opt for either the Triangle or the Dynaudio. From the looks of your equipment, I would say you have a laid back system. If you prefer it to stay that way, go Dynaudio. If you want to step up the tempo a bit, go for Triangle. Tri... | |
Supplies for cable building Tom_nice, are you interested in letting go of any of those hundreds of feet of wire down the basement? | |
~$1k Monitors...So Many Choices... Please let us know what you have for source, preamp, and power amp. Knowing the cables you prefer would also be beneficial. And, your taste in music will have more than a coincidental bearing on what you should do. | |
Metal or Fabric Dome tweeter I think that one thing we often disregard is what's behind the tweeter. By that I mean the crossover and wire. That being said, I tend to prefer the sound of a good fabric dome tweeter. Most of my favorite speakers use fabric domes. Then again, tw... | |
Audioquest KE-4 silver speaker cable Thanks Gthirteen! I would need an 8 foot pair(6 feet now, but I don't want to have to give them up in the future due to length). I would hope for a discount of at least 50% from original list. Feel free to contact me at any time. Thanks again. | |
Supplies for cable building For silver OR copper wire, Homegrown is a great site. They actually have many more wires than the 2(22 awg teflon insulated silver or copper) they list + silver solder. Just e-mail him, he's very responsive. Also, you can try Pure Silver Sound for... | |
Mid 1960's equipment - Scott, Garrard, I agree that you shouldn't be disappointed about these pieces not being worth "X" amount of dollars. If YOU enjoy them, they are priceless to you. That being said, if you go to ebay, and check out there vintage audio section, you can get a good id... | |
Audioquest KE-4 silver speaker cable Gthirteen, I just got an information packet in the mail from Audioquest. Interestingly enough, it also contains literature on the old cable line. Have to say I was mighty impressed by your SA-40. In my opinion, you probably got 99+% of the KE-4, a... | |
CD and Speakers for a Jolida 302? For CD, how about Jolida's own new player? Or the CD500 from CAmbridge, or a Rotel. For speakers, if you wanted a minimonitor, there are the Coincidents or Triangles. For companies that offer monitors and floostanders, Mission, PSB(esp. the Image ... |