
Responses from trelja

Getting into tubes?
Dragon, I heard the Mesa Baron a few times. I thought it was a great sounding amp w/the 5881s it had. I know it accepts many other tubes. You may want to check it out. From what I heard, Mesa is now out of the high end market(will only do pro audi... 
prevent hardening of speaker surrounds
According to the MSDS, the primary solvent contained in Armor All is Propasol P(a glycol ether). I won't bother listing other components. This solvent should be OK for butyl surrounds or epoxy(used in many adhesives - check with your manufacturer)... 
Best Retailer Youve Done Business With?
THE best retailer I know is John Adams. He is the owner of Community Audio, in the Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia, PA. He carries great brands, is knowledgeable, patient, very easy with home auditions, the list goes on and on. Oh, and more ... 
prevent hardening of speaker surrounds
Carl, as a former chemist, I have to inform you that all liquids are considered solvents. That is the position from which I am coming from. Water, is called the universal solvent(incorrectly, of course). I am not saying that Armor All would be goo... 
Anyone Know What VTL sounds like?
I would agree that CJ products are very warm and lush in general. And AR is on the opposite end of tube sound, sometimes even sounding much more like ss. Maybe why some say that the best ss and tube products have been converging in sound. I don't ... 
prevent hardening of speaker surrounds
I feel that one should be VERY careful before applying anything to butyl(or foam) surrounds. The main parameter of a liquid(i.e. a solvent) to consider here is the Kauri Butanol(KB) value. This is a very convenient measure for us audiophiles in th... 
INTERCONNECT-advice from knowers!
I never said magazines were the be all and end all. Just that they are mandatory. Where else would I find out ALL the brands? Most people only speak of a few different brands(including us on this site). Take for example wire. Does anyone here ever... 
INTERCONNECT-advice from knowers!
Piezo, I have to back Carl up on this one. Magazines are not only important, but mandatory. Even as recently as a year or two ago, they were all we had. You can only talk to so many people, and they all have DIFFERENT opinions. Everyone has biases... 
INTERCONNECT-advice from knowers!
I, too will be receiving some Coincident interconnect. Hope it makes you happy. From what I hear, you should check out the Kimber Select products. 
Metal or Fabric Dome tweeter
Eldragon, sorry, but I do not have that issue. I only have the January issue of that year. But, if you ever need an issue, be sure to check with me. My collection is a bit sparse from 1995 - 1998(I have "here and there" issues). But, I picked my s... 
Metal or Fabric Dome tweeter
Excellent points Carl. My favorite tweeters mirror yours. ScanSpeak(esp. Revelator), Dynaudio, Morel, Seas, and Vifa. Most of Morel products are replicas of Dynaudio, but with much lower prices. 
Preamp for rogue 88
I second the votes for Rogue. I would also like to add that a passive preamp can be wonderful with this amp. Makes an incredible combination that people are often stunned by. 
Metal or Fabric Dome tweeter
I absolutely HATE the Focal tweeters. Be they Ti, TiO2, or Kevlar. To me, they are the most irritating things I have EVER listened to. They even make EL34 based tube amps shrill to my ears(and THAT is an accomplishment!). Of course, others like th... 
Any good bi-wire speaker cable (used)..
AudioQuest Type 6 or Indigo. Also, if your system seems more laid back than you prefer, Kimber 4TC. 
Integrated tube amplifier - finest ?
The amps I have heard from this list are the Jadis Orchestra Reference and the Pathos Twin Towers. I cannot comment about the others, but feel you would be happy with any of these fine products. The Pathos is fabulous, but not the type of sound a ...