
Responses from trelja

Dude, where's my bass? Oh, lost to stiffened rubber surrounds...who knew?
+3 on Millersound.Bill listened to my speakers, and immediately felt the rubber surrounds hamstrung them.  After he worked his stuff on them, he had them soaring like eagles.  He's a master at getting a driver to work optimally and actually make m... 
Speaker distance
@geoffkait , "I would be remiss if I didn’t say that there’s an infinite number of speaker locations for a given room, so obviously the ye olde trial and error method can only get you so far. You can NEVER find the absolute best locations that way... 
Merry Christmas
Thank you for initiating this thread, Crazyeddy!Merry Christmas to everyone and those close to you 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
The day I met The Doctor aka Mechans, the intent was to go shopping for new stereo equipment to replace his so-called out of date 1980s audio system.  He ran a pair of Klipsch Heresy loudspeakers, and as I listened, asked him, "Why would you want ... 
The Legendary ? Infinity IRS V
Bill Legall of Millersound in Lansdale, PA whom Will (tubegroover) and I mentioned, had 2 pairs of IRS V in his home, in different rooms.  And he's had 2 or 3 pairs of Betas and several lower iterations in another room in the years since.  He did ... 
Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates
I'm in the camp of @robd2 and @missioncoonery I think part of the feeling regarding the superiority of separates reflects a lack of integrateds on the same level.  The majority of integrated amplifiers on the market fall into the entry level of a ... 
No love for Verity?
Not to say too much beyond the owners run the company differently than a lot of what's expected in the industry.Beautiful looking and sounding loudspeakers.  I've never felt less than impressed when listening to them, including the pair I heard at... 
Does a tube need the break-in hours?
@lak, as usual, is absolutely right on 
Since Dennis Had left Cary has the company built any new tube equipment?
@linnlingo +1 
Slappy here. Been a long time, have some audio source questions.
GREAT to have you back!!! Can't wait to have your humor around again.  You’re right, it sure has been a while... 
Store auditioning and then buying on-line from others. How do you feel about it ?
Of course, turning around to buy used is going to happen.  But those are onesies and twosies kinds of things.  It's really dealers getting their sales poached by other dealers that's a huge burden upon them.When I imported high-end audio component... 
Whats in your second system?
I have a 15' X 13' library or whatever it's called as a part of my bedroom.  Like lak, it gets whatever's not currently in the main system:Jadis Orchestra Reference integratedJadis Defy DA30 integratedQuicksilver 8417 monoblock power amplifiersDyn... 
Why is it so easy to tell the difference between live and recorded music?
Dynamic range certainly plays a huge role.I also notice the ability of many a system to start and stop fails to mirror reality, even as some claim the superiority of their means of implementation.But for me, I'm MOST bothered by the incorrect tone... 
More Bad News AT Thiel
Definitely a sad turn of events for one of the most highly regarded high-end audio companies to have come down the pike...Unfortunately, the history of this industry shows time and time and time again such entities rise up through the force of cha... 
What is it that you don't like about your Listening Room ?
Well, I've laid out a lot in the speaker thread, but I'm most fortunate and happy with my main 17' X 28' room.My second room is 15' X 13', and has its challenges, as components tend to sound quite hard, and I often go through periods where compone...