Responses from trelja
Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps @inna, yes, I had the Pass Class A amplifier. And, supposedly, the best sounding of the lineup | |
Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps I'm glad I finally saw a thread where someone mentions the Pass Labs amp in the way you two have.A long-time and consistent sacred cow. Had one once. Tried to juggle things around it. Ultimately could not for the life of me understand where all... | |
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy? I'm a fan of horns, though I currently don't run a pair.I have some close friends who REALLY dislike horns, and instead of trying to convince or talk over them, I prefer to listen and understand their complaints. Beyond the typical complaints abo... | |
New York HiFi Show: Tubes and Turntables @willemj, as you can see, folks would appreciate you reposting. Of course, who saves these things? And you may feel it more trouble than anything else.I can reiterate, he said NOTHING warranting moderation or removal of the post. Mostly talked ... | |
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great??? @inna, the best person to offer opinion here would be my very close friend, The Doctor (Mechans), as he’s owned the DA60 and JMlabs loudspeakers at the same time, and brings an incredible wealth of knowledge.Personally, I feel the larger (4+ outpu... | |
New York HiFi Show: Tubes and Turntables @willemj, I happened to see it prior to removal. Agreed with some of it, disagreed with some of it. But felt it added greatly to the discussion here, and feeling baffled as to what motivated removal. Stifling good, honest opinion that does not co... | |
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great??? @daveyf, I ran the Mullard 12AX7 for a while, and felt happy enough. They took my DA60 up a few steps from the original Ei, and offer a warm, rich sound. Hard to believe, but the dirt cheap Shuguang triple mica 12AX7B aka Silver Dragon handily ecl... | |
New York HiFi Show: Tubes and Turntables @asvjerry, thank you for your insight.Ohm did have a room at the show. They earned my WORST OF SHOW award going away | |
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great??? As an owner of Jadis amplifiers, I also obviously feel they offer beautiful, glorious sound.In addition to your power cord experience, I've found they show as much sensitivity to tube rolling as any amplifiers I've come across. It amazes me how f... | |
AE-25-SS Superamp manual Have you thought of contacting Cary directly?Not sure about the "SS" suffix, but the Superamp I knew was cathode (auto) bias. Plug and play... | |
New York HiFi Show: Tubes and Turntables @asvjerry My favorite rooms:Rethm Bhaava driven by Linear Tube Audio ZOTL amplifier. BEST OF SHOW. Luscious, full, coherent, and beautiful sound. Perhaps only let down by the Aqua CD player front end. Considering this amplifier and loudspeake... | |
New York HiFi Show: Tubes and Turntables @mapman you're right. So far, I've read nothing but praise for the room.During the time I spent at the show, playing the material they did, at the volumes they did, the Ohm room won my title for worst sound of the show. And the distance between ... | |
New York Stereo show at Park Lane Hotel I'm thinking about starting a thread to post my thoughts from the show. The hesitation is that it's going to upset a whole lot of people.Any thoughts? | |
New York HiFi Show: Tubes and Turntables @mapman the Ohm room disappointed me more than any other. Honestly, if what they displayed represents the product accurately, I cannot even consider these speakers to offer anything approaching high fidelity.Now, it's not that I don't consider my... | |
Triode or Ultra-linear? Why? You’re right WOLF. Some of the best guitar amp implementations of the major players. My friend looks like the typical go through audio components like socks audiophile. But when he got the Baron, he told me his wife said, "Throw the box away." Yea... |