
Responses from trelja

Article about us Audiophiles: 'Audiophilia Forever'
@trelja "One needs to carefully construct a system around the Magellan speakers to avoid them coming across in a lightweight, unrefined, and overall, mid-fi manner."Need to apologize for my lack of clarity and correctness.  I meant Triangle loud... 
Article about us Audiophiles: 'Audiophilia Forever'
@david_ten thank you for passing this along.Good, well-written article for the rest of the world.  A lot of the same discussions we have, but distilled to present a view to the outsiders, free from some of the pettiness that makes us look like lun... 
Jadis DA60 with Separate Preamp
@jond I may not feel quite as positive as you do about the Genalex KT77, but I love your choice in amplifiers!I had a Deja Vu 45 / 2A3 PP amplifier, and along with my DA60, that was my all-time favorite.  As the collection of amps and speakers gre... 
What are your thoughts about moving up product line(s) within a Company?
@yogiboy , "I have upgraded speakers from Vandersteen,Spendor and Harbeth and prefered the lesser priced ones better! You can never tell how a speaker will sound until you try it out in your own room with the gear you use with it!"That's some o... 
EL34 equivalent tube types
@wolf_garcia "I had bad luck with JJKT77s in that they don't cut the sonic mustard."You're right about that.  Not sure why, but JJ did a poor job with this tube.  Kind of a head scratcher, as their E34L (as Viridian / Marty pointed out) and EL34 s... 
Jadis DA60 with Separate Preamp
Yes, the DA60's cathode bias topology lets you run any EL34 / 6CA7 / KT77 / 6550 / KT88 / KT120 / KT150 tube by simply plugging it in.  It's completely mindless, and another one of the reasons the amp's a peach 
Jadis DA60 with Separate Preamp
@gmbt2K, thank you for your perspective.  That's very smart to employ silver cabling.  Coincidentally, I also use a silver power cord as it provides that same sort of flavor you alluded to.You're also right about NOS EL34.  We had a series of tube... 
Jadis DA60 with Separate Preamp
You're not at all far away from the top 12AX7 and 12AU7, so it may not prove worth it to you to run any farther down that road.  My personal opinion is that Jadis amplifiers wake up and come alive with the right EL34 tubes.  That's something to co... 
Very Sensible Audio Advice
@chayro thank you for sharing this, and initiating the conversation!I enjoyed the video, and liked where he spoke from.  Too often I see the seagulls fly in to these threads, and crap all over someone.  Innumerable dogmatic stances: use this cable... 
Who makes budget speaker cables which are truly “good” or “exceptional” in quality?
Peter Walker lived in a completely different age.Obviously, one cannot say he would have landed in the significance of cable camp.  And given his ability to grasp good sound and unsurpassed intellect, it's equally unfair to say he would not have 
Jadis DA60 with Separate Preamp
@gmbt2k the Hovland is a honey of a preamplifier.  Interested to hear how it compares.Two questions, if you are willing:1. What tubes are you running in the DA60?Jadis components, including the DA60, show as much reflection of the tubes employed a... 
Jadis DA60 with Separate Preamp
Thank you, Michael.Yes, you can.  Having owned more amps than I can remember, and finding the DA60 the best, the question remains, why do you want to? 
Apogee Centaur Major Speaker Failure - Help Requested
Sorry, Gary!  That's a phenomenal set of speakers you have.When you say "Tri-State area", it means - CT - NJ - NY, DE - NJ - PA, something else?If that term means one of the two I listed / northeastern part of the country, a trip to Millersound in... 
Upgrading path from Merlin VSM black magic
@signaturesound  Rich makes an excellent point in regard to the JJ E34L.Although I consider them one of the best sounding current production EL34 variants, they definitely lean to the more forward and engaging side.  Their JJ EL34 come in more bal... 
Musician vs. audiophile
@bdp24 "James Boyk, Pianist In Residence at the California Institute of Technology (where he teaches), is a performing musician, recording engineer at his label Performance Recordings, equipment reviewer, and long-time audiophile. In one talk h...