Responses from trelja
Worth Going to 'THE SHOW' IN NYC IN APRIL Swampwalker, "I will be there as well, probably Saturday or maybe Friday and Saturday. Anyone want to get together for a beverage?"I should be there Friday, Michael, and hope to see you again there. First drink's on me... | |
Worth Going to 'THE SHOW' IN NYC IN APRIL I'll be there regardless of the show quality. It's the preeminent show for us on the East Coast right now. At any rate, I followed the link that Mezmo kindly provided, and the exhibitor list looks very good, actually. | |
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx I have listened to them and the Alexandria, and found neither to my liking.This may be less a reflection of Wilsons, than a statement on the way most loudspeaker much larger than the norm prove unable to put forth a convincing portrayal of the mus... | |
Best integrated tube amp for around $2000 You can't go wrong with that Cary, or the SLI30.Other interesting choices would be the ARC VSI60, Jadis Orchestra/Orchestra Reference, Manley Stingray, previously mentioned Rogue Audio Cronus, VAC Auricle, and VTL IT85. | |
Impedance or sensitivity? Typical, but another excellent post by Al(Almarg).So often, the published literature of a loudspeaker does not offer much useful insight, but the plot that comes with JA's Stereophile measurements more than justifies a subscription to the magazine. | |
CD player closest to vinyl? Ahendler, "If you want the sound of vinyl use a turntable, not a cd player."Thank you! Every once in a while, someone puts things so brilliantly right that it needs to be wildly applauded. | |
What's likely to happen when an 845 tube fails? Rfogel8, "there's no substitute for good amplification, especially with speakers as revealing as the C's."You know, Bob, you're absolutely right.As time continues to pass, I find it crushing that technologies Bud Fried evangelized like true TL mid... | |
Grant Fidelity B-283 Tube Buffer: Worthwhile or No Pubul57, "that Mapletree is one of the great values in audio and a giant killer sonically IMHO."Agree 100%, Paul! | |
What's likely to happen when an 845 tube fails? Bob, I think you've been considering the DeHavilland 845s for over a year, correct? Pull the trigger on those amps already!As you heard, the true TL (though most don't know, Bud insisted TL was MOST critical for the mids, not the low end) Fried C ... | |
What's likely to happen when an 845 tube fails? 213cobra, "most 300B amps have had too little discipline in the deep bass region to be usable on truly full-range speakers."Although someone here recently disagreed vehemently with me on this point, I agree with Phil's comment.Also, I might have h... | |
Classe move to China Another dead-on post, Elizabeth! You and I are completely of the same mind on this issue. | |
Magnepan or Carver??? Kevvwill, "Carver Amazings, which are still the best speaker I have ever heard."I once had that experience as well with the Amazings. Heard the ALIII, but they really didn't make an impression on me. | |
Classe move to China Thank you for initiating this thread, Fundsgon. I'm glad we out companies which go down this road.Although never an owner of Classe, it's now absolutely out of the question. Not that it will change things at this point, but I hope the company read... | |
What's likely to happen when an 845 tube fails? I like the DeHavillands a whole lot, and think they're built pretty well, but some other amplifiers can present real issues when faced with this sort of thing.Two specific incidents I saw with the Opera Audio/Consonance Cyber 845/211 (same amp tha... | |
MERRY CHRISTMAS A very nice gesture, thank you!Merry Christmas to all, and my best for a great New Year and 2012. |