
Responses from trelja

Best floorstanding speakers under $2000
Tpreaves, "the answers will always be what folks think is "best" to them in their system."Not true. I can rattle off plenty of components I don't own, but would nominate for various "best" questions. Of course, the natural rebuttal would be, "Then... 
Why aren't the older members still active ?
Thanks for the list, Albert!I compiled a list, but it was woefully short next to yours. I'd like to add Brulee, Gthirteen, Natalie, and Leafs.Isn't Kelly (Cornfedboy) on the other side of the curtain here at Audiogon? Or, has that relationship run... 
Why has audio become so specilized over the years?
One facet to this equation is a mantra I hear parroted by many manufacturers and dealers that goes something like, "If I'm going to spend X amount of time on something/with someone, I want to make X000/X0000, not $X0/X00 on it."While it falls unde... 
Anyone know of the new Jolida JD 3000 Tube amps?
Vinyl9, "Trelja comments are pretty funny really. It's obvious he's never heard these amps before or he wouldn't have this opinion, as far as the JD3000a being compared to the other brands listed that can easily out preform them all regardless of ... 
Will Vincent "Dynaco" Amps
Linkster, "Will Vincent vs Bob Latino??"Simply a question of whether you prefer the original Dynaco Concertina circuit (Will Vincent), or one of the upgrades that "fixed" what was wrong with the original (VTA/Bob Latino) ala the Mullard long tail ... 
Will Vincent "Dynaco" Amps
I realize I sound like a broken record here on Audiogon, but excepting absolute power and low frequency performance, the Dynaco ST70, fitted with modern parts, eclipses most high-end audio amplifiers of today.I believe Will Vincent's offerings are... 
Are you an Audiophile?
Good question, Marty.Actually, after thinking about the answer, I'd like to amend my statement. If you visit (by that I mean, came here, and return more than once) this site (or AudioAsylum, AudioCircle, AudioKarma, AudioWhatever, etc.) , you most... 
Are you an Audiophile?
If you participate on the Audiogon discussion forums, you most certainly ARE an audiophile. 
how high is the drop test at ups?
As someone who needed to send and receive a lot of packages, I got to see the good and bad of each shipper.Overall, this is my opinion on shipping in the USA:FedEX - Best means to ship larger packages. Damage rate higher than USPS, and dealing wit... 
Triangle Titus 202 or Triangle Comete ES?
Congratulations, Zmanastronomy!I hope the new speakers provide you with a lot of happiness over the long term. 
Favorite Pre Amp and Amp with Vandersteen?
I spent an afternoon at Audio Connection with John and Mr. Ed several years ago.Wasn't there for anything equipment or music related, but John had the Music Reference RM10 and Vandersteen 2s going - I forget the preamplifier now. Have to say the c... 
Good budget tube amp?
Rossbernstein, the three main sources for Dynaco kits are Triode Electronics, Bob Latino, and Dynakit Parts. All of them are a different implementation, and as such, will sound unique.I also own a Dynaco ST80, but not the more ubiquitous solid sta... 
All Amps Sound the Same....
Onhwy61, the analogy with motorcycle racing is one I must applaud you for!This is the argument I've been making here and there on this site over the past year or so. Quite simply, the move of measurements from algebra to calculus.Previously, in mo... 
Best 6SN7 Pre Amp tubes?
Zmanastronomy is correct.Black Treasure is produced by Shuguang, Sophia are relabeled Tianjin/TJ. I'm not sure if Sophia performs any additional verification or procedures on these tubes.In speaking to Shuguang, they have repeatedly told me there ... 
All Amps Sound the Same....
Onhwy61, "I think the audiophile world is on the verge of what might be a significant advance in sound reproduction quality as engineers are becoming more knowledgeable about what to measure and how the interpret the data."Can you elaborate on tha...