
Responses from trelja

Best steak to eat while listening to your rig?
Also have not been to Whitehouse in a real long time. As mentioned, their claim to fame was always the roll. Remember the Italian hoagie being decent as well.Speaking of Italian hoagies, Primo's is excellent. Like Rita's Water Ice, finally, a fran... 
Best steak to eat while listening to your rig?
Nice choice on Steve's, Baka1969.I also like (the VERY non-PC named) Chink's when I'm up in that part of town. I also like John's Roast Pork and Mama's. We diverge on Tony Luke's, I happen to give them a thumbs up. Ever tried a Schmitter at McNall... 
Best steak to eat while listening to your rig?
Baka1969, as a fellow Fluffian, in your opinion, where do you find the best cheesesteak? 
disc player/transport longevity
Jab, the Esoteric transports look to be of the highest quality. Also, Sony ES machines are produced in Japan, and seemed to have been able to maintain the expected level of quality.Dougmc, the Sony transports that most high-end audio CD players fr... 
If you could bring back one great artist that has
Keith Richards 
disc player/transport longevity
In my experience, older CD transports are far superior to what is available today. Partly because they were built in Japan, and partly because there was competition in the marketplace.Having gotten (unfortunately) intimately familiar with what is ... 
Let's ID Speakers with 1st order Crossover design.
Fried speakers were historically first order. Not only that, but they employed a series topology that, despite its simplicity, is over the head of most in this industry. Among their myriad advantages, one interesting trait about series crossover i... 
Good budget tube amp?
Seakayer, you are incredibly knowledgeable about this vintage gear. This year, though I've not acted on it, I've been more than a bit curious regarding the Eico HF-87 you mentioned. My hat's off to you...I happened to recommend the "original" Dyna... 
Good budget tube amp?
There are a lot of good suggestions here.However, I would encourage you to check out a true blue Dynaco ST70, either used, or new and available through Kevin at If you need someone to build it for you, he has a network ... 
Mark at Rogue Audio
Agreed, Mark is one of the best people in audio. But, that would all be for naught were his products not as good as they are.In my opinion, a buyer is making a foolish mistake to forego products from the likes of Quicksilver and Rogue for Chinese ... 
Hurricane Irene
My neighbor put one of these in during the Y2K paranoia. It's a large, very robust looking unit, sitting on a concrete slab, powered by an underground propane tank. If I remember correctly, it was something like $25K - $30K at the time.It comes on... 
If you had 6K to build a system with used gear?
Anyone should be able to do this with relative ease.Merlin VSM, Audio Physic Virgo II, Quad ESL57, or Fried Studio V loudspeakers - it depends on your tastes and what's available at that time.Deja Vu, Jadis, Dynaco, Audio Note, Rogue, or Quicksilv... 
Hurricane Irene
Right now, the National Weather Service and The Weather Channel are discussing which one will get to move to a new domain name, ourbestguess(.com/.gov) 
Sagging Voice Coils?
Michael, I'm embarrassed to admit I wasn't present at the bris. 
Hurricane Irene
Glad you left safely on Thursday, Joe. My sister's family also left then, as the town ordered everyone out by midnight. Hopefully, you didn't have any excitement in Cinnaminson.Frank Pittaluga's Shell station? As a kid I used to call him Frank "Sp...