Responses from trelja
Talk but not walk? @michaelgreenaudio "Guys buying $10,000.00-$250,000.00 speakers and (get a load of this, this will kill ya) and putting them in a living room, against the wall with (I’m not joking, I swear to God I'm serious lol) with a huge equipment rack in ... | |
Getting into Tube Equipment @buellrider97 "I definitely prefer Telefunken over Mullard driver tubes . However the FX1 and rectifier Mullard’s are the Bomb !"You have an excellent ear and excellent taste, Mike. Another pair of MKIIIs, or MKIIs or MKIVs would make some great ... | |
RIP Dave Wilson @marktomaras +2It takes a man to apologize, and I respect that. We all have bad moments and bad days. I've certainly made more than my share of mistakes, and have received the grace of forgiveness.Again, RIP David Wilson. Hope his loved ones so... | |
Talk but not walk? @geoffkait "trollja, I’m filing your post under WHATEVER."Sorry Katie, you've put so much into that WHATEVER folder it's become too difficult for an elderly guy like you to pull things out when you need them later. Please create a new folder labe... | |
Talk but not walk? @geoffkait "Yes, I’m the one staliking himHonestly, I found the number more than surprising when you posted it. Maybe because mapman’s posts seem rational, well-informed, and kind explains why they never struck me as excessive or overly ubiquitous... | |
Talk but not walk? @grannyring "06-03-2018 8:39pm@mapman I just realized you have over 15,000 posts! Oh my goodness you deserve the trophy!"Is that why katie incessantly bullies and stalks him, jealousy? Honestly, I found the number more than surprising when you pos... | |
What Matters and What is Nonsense Regarding Roger Skoff's article, some in the media have discussed the topic of aesthetics and casework since the 1980s.Probably no one more than Sam Tellig at Stereophile, who had shall we say, a more than comfortable relationship with several man... | |
Why is Oppo stopping products. @nonoise Thank you for providing the article!"While certainly not privy to the meetings at Oppo, after a multi-decade career in technology I can well imagine how it went down. On the conference room screen the PowerPoint slide shows a graph with... | |
Why is Oppo stopping products. Staying in business always was, and always will be the first rule of business.Oppo cannot continue hemorrhaging money making high-end audio disc players players, DAC, etc. Factories like theirs are set up for commodity production. The minuscule ... | |
Gemme Audio Tanto Owners - User Manual? I owned a pair of the original Tantos. Don't remember the manual, so as others have said, it likely didn't provide all that much help. Surprised Robert Gaboury cannot provide a soft copy, that seems strange.Gemme was a partnership between Robert... | |
RIP Dave Wilson Sad news. He was a lion of the industry, and built an incredible array of sought after products.Rest in peace | |
Getting into Tube Equipment @atmasphere "I’ve never heard that sort of sound from any Dyna!"Given you keep active on this site, it surprises me to hear that. It’s become the preponderant current criticism. Someone just made that statement here on Audiogon in the past week.I ... | |
Getting into Tube Equipment @grannyring "I was thinking about building one of Latino’s amps. Do you own one and have you compared it to an updated/modified ST70? I was also thinking of just buying an ST70 and updating it using modern day parts in key areas while keeping the ... | |
RIP Dave Wilson Obviously, a lion of the industry. More than almost any other, audiophiles aspired to the WATT/Puppy iterations. Personally, the Sasha moved me more than any other Wilson product.Rest in Peace | |
Getting into Tube Equipment @lostbears "I had both an Dynaco ST-70 (which is only 35 watts per channel and Mark III mono amps way back when. These designs are very dated and syrupy sounding today. They don't sound anywhere near as transparent or detailed as most modern tu... |