Responses from trelja
New Rega Planar 6 @etnier discussion of build quality and plinth ’sagging’Hmmm...folks here have also called the RP8 out for sagging, so this very well may represent a design defect ala this foam material core. While it certainly expresses Rega’s philosophy of low-... | |
Pro-Ject buys Musical Fidelity @mofimadness good catch on this one.Makes sense on some level for Pro-Ject. Any thoughts on Michaelson wanting to get out of the business - age / finished or related to market conditions? | |
Do You Remember Your First Time?Is It As Good As You Dreamed? @freediver excellent story and background on your journey. Sorry about the ups and downs with your father.More than anything, a most profound THANK YOU for your service to the nation! | |
New D'Agostino Monoblocks...$250,000 I’ve written a lot around this trend in pricing lately. I feel it greatly damages the hobby, and has resulted in all manner of things such as the hollowing out of the rank of audiophiles.That said, now that I’m living in Vancouver, I have no doubt... | |
We give up perspective to avoid tone controls My Jadis Orchestra Reference integrated is one of the few high-end audio components you’ll find with tone controls. I’ve owned and been around a lot of amplifiers, and this one moves me in a way few others can. I happen to love the tone controls.I... | |
Hard Audio - Ceramic Speakers @erik_squires, "every ceramic speaker I’ve heard sounded cold, clinical, pure without power."That’s mostly how I’ve heard it, though not universally. Not only the Raidhos, but I’ve also heard what I remember may have been a Mastersound at a long a... | |
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0( @jimman2 what NJ town is your record shop located? | |
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0( @jmcgrogan2 thank you for your comments, John. Hope all is well back in the Philly area...You bring up excellent points on the internet and the state of society. Obviously, the web turned most retail businesses on their ear. My previous point w... | |
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses Thank you for the kindness @uberwaltz and @nonoise I feel we do ourselves a disservice by not providing specifics to statements we make ala NASA and fuses, and only giving part of the picture. Such information provides the discussion little credi... | |
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses When it comes to power supplies, I’ve not spoken with a designer who actually ever put a significant thought into the fuse beyond its inclusion because of the obvious necessities. I have talked with some who mentioned the superiority of circuit br... | |
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses @douglas_schroeder "A fine HiFi component should readily reveal any such changes."That's an excellent point. I've found that better tube amplifiers possess more ability to reflect the tubes used in them than lesser tube amplifiers | |
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0( Since he's joined the site recently, Michael Green brought tremendous insight and refreshing perspective. Obviously, no one served on the front lines more than Michael, and so many of us took cues from him over the years to improve our systems. ... | |
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0( @akaim8 you really make an excellent case.I'll extend your position by mentioning Amazon Alexa. My sister's family and my best friend's fall into my demographic, mid-late 40s. Neither has an audio rig, though my buddy put together an Onkyo based... | |
"Super Rectifier" @wig that's a heck of a player you have | |
Talk but not walk? @mapman "It was very touching how gk pined for me when I was not posting for awhile. He can't be all bad."Well then, why not still meet him at CAF, and break bread? |