
Responses from tweak1

Footers Under Power Conditioners?
any of you using expensive footers ever try Machina Dynamica Springs?  
Preamp choices:Short list
mazianhow old is that quote?Ive been a ’phile for 5 decades. Paul McGowan (PS Audio) was one of the first to make reasonably priced differentially/true balanced components, but it took many decades to catch on. Much/most of the components with XLR... 
Preferred Node 2i and Ayre CDP connections to Soekris 2541 DAC?
I believe the Technics SL G700 is an all in one player/streamer. Excellent engineering AND true balanced outs 
All New Pure Audio ONE Integrated Amp Reviewed!
450 watts consumption during use OUCHOne of my concerns is what all that heat will eventually do to the preamp sectionIf you live in a cold climate it might replace a room heater 
Disappointed in the tweeters...
See GR Research. Danny has youtube videos of mods to speakers in your price range 
Amp/Preamp Recommendations
Check out the new Rogue Dragon review in, I either Stereophile, or Absolute finally looks like the much anticipated LSA Voyager (GaN amp) will be available within 60 dayshth 
Balanced vs. Unbalanced Inputs
+1 GiFi 
North Star 192 transport: Need remote
I think they're still in biz 
Are you getting ridiculous offers from new members
Is the marantz 30N or ruby almost a universal player
FYI the 30N MSRP is $2500 and it is NOT a balanced product. Technics newest (2+ years) is incredibly well engineered AND has true balanced outshth 
Need a preamp, new or used.
I had both the P3 and P 5, but ran them in balanced only, still just okAudio Alchemy DDP-1 (dac pre) + PS 5 is very good, and quite a used bargainThe Elac dac/pre/streamer won an award from Enjoy the Music. I saw one last week in the classifiedsIM... 
Placement of Dual Powered Subs with Tower Speakers
The comments thus far seem to presume forward facing woofers. Currently, I have SVS subs that fire downSee Acoustic Fields website for lots of tips on subwoofer placement 
Class D
justmetooIt does seem the Mola Molas were overhyped, or the reviewers connected them to more efficient speakers, proper impedance matched preamps... but in the real world, they are likely cabled with impedance mismatched preamps, or hard to drive ... 
2021 audio system wish list
I am very interested to hear how the Technics SL G700 SACD player compares to my upgraded Oppo 105 
High end Class D amps?
I THINK the tubes in PSA M1200s are specific. Not sure what the availability of other brands would be for rolling.  I have owned many different class D amps for over a decade. A few I would say would have benefited from a romantic tube somewhere i...