Responses from tweak1
CD Player: Audio Aero Capitole Mk I vs. Mk II I sold my Plinius integrated to prepare for a Capitole. Seems to be too many problems with them. GamuT CD-1 is extremely close, for a lot less $$$$$$. | |
Am I missing something in the MFSL Tarkus LP Chances are your system was out of phase with then record.This would account for your comments. Want to know more about such stuff? Go to | |
Best efficient, passive sub - Any suggestions? Bass amplification is more demanding then your Jolida is qualified to handle. If your preampsection has dual outs you're in business. If not AA sells Monster adapters so you can run a second pair of interconnects to an active sub. SV Subs makes so... | |
Does subwoofer + bookshelve=full range speaker? If your question supercedes B&W and ML, then I can tell you I am using Reference 3A MM de Capos with a SVSubwoofer- total retail $3200. I have owned Genesis Vs ($12K), Accoustat 2+2 and 3+3s, Chateau References (monitors) with dual Sunfire MK ... | |
Tube friendly speakers UNDER 1K? DEFINITELY- Reference 3A MM de Capos | |
Vibration Tweaks I have tried them all, and highly recommend Aurios MIBs, or Brass triple points. | |
Best Subwoofer for 1500- 2500???? I am a dealer BUT ordered from a Direct Only company (NO DEALER DISCOUNT)-SV Subwoofers. I haven't received it yet, but they have gotten substantial reviews. | |
Replace DVD or add dedicated CD? IMHO, even at the upper end of the pricing spectrum, combined players will be highly compromised. Best to keep 'em separate. I have a CEC TL5100Z belt-drvie transport/player for sale. It would be killer to start your serious CD rig. See my ad on AG. | |
How to improve the sound of VTL2.5? In addition to the usual suspects (see the two responses above), it may be something else, like your source. I recently purchased the GamuT CD-1 and was floored at all the new found music! | |
Upsampling the way to go? ? Up and oversampling ala GamuT CD-1 Danish CD Player- better then twice DSD sample rate. $2950, see review in The Absolute Sound. I just got mine, and am loving it!!!!! Huge 3 D sound stage. | |
Upsampling put to "THE TEST": R U ready 2 take it? While I have no doubt the basic findings would be similar, we are taking the reviewer at his word when exclaiming "everything was the same throughout". This is a bit hard to swallow. Tweaking has a greater impact on sound then many/most realize. T... | |
Best amp for 5k used? SS or Tube Plinius & Electrocompinet, GamuT 200. I have owned several Plinius' and am considering the new 8200 MkII $2995 (NEW). I have heard EC at various shows over the years- they always sound good. | |
Are you manufacturer's paying attention? This is actually part of a much bigger problem. Our hobby is incredibly small, and shrinking in the face of surround video. 2 Channel needs to grow 3-5, maybe 10 times bigger then its current size in order for manufacturers' prices to come down. E... | |
Any experience w/ Vienna Mahler ? Before I was in the business, I helped a friend get a pair of Beethovens. They are excellent! The other speaker that I can highly recommend is one we carry Reference 3A mm De Capos. You can read my review at | |
Good upgrade amp for my Thiel 3.6s No doubt about it the Plinius SA 250 MkIII will grab ahold of the Thiels and make them perform. |