
Responses from tweak1

Any audiophile who is on blood pressure medication
Someone should write a book "Programming Doctors" by Big Pharma.There are lots of natural remedies, like eating bananas, eliminating caffiene.. to resolve HBP. Google it and stop believing most doctors know what they're doing. A few do, and they p... 
subwoofer cable recommendations.
I am using the new Tek Line microRefernece ($349) on my SVS powered sub. Great bass! 
Should I get a new amp?
Mixing 2 and multichannel presents problems. First, room acoustics are skewed by all the other speakers. Speaker Positioning for 2 channel will be different than multichannel. Lastly, no matter the budget, the same money invested into a 2 channel ... 
Tube preamp with SS amps and Emerald Physics cs2?
If you go with a tube pre it needs to be a fully balanced design so as to match up properly with the active XO, and W4S MC amp. Vincent just introduced a reasonbly priced fully balanced tube pre. 
Passive Preamps? Anyone?
I have tried most of the 5 recommended above, and a few others. They ALL left me with great detail but no warmth or body to the music, though the TVS types were by far the most natural sounding.I am now using a Raysonic 168 CD player, which has a ... 
How does Meridian sound with Sonus Faber??
These type of questions are impossible to answer. Best you can d id to check with the two manufacturers to confirm compatibility, but "HOW" they sound depends on your room, electricity/power conditioning, flooring, window treatments, furnishings, ... 
better mid's?
Get a high quality duplex for your wall. PS Audio has a new one. I think it's around $50 
Floorstanding Speaker - Recommendation
Check out Magenpan 1.6Rs or Reference 3A Veenas. 
"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?
I have gone from Rogue M 150s and various solid state class A and class A/B power amps to class D. My first foray was with PS Audio GCC and GCA series, the GCA 250 had a level 2 mod from Underwood HiFi.I then bought the Wyred 4 Sound SX 500s to bi... 
Long IC Cable Run
Even XLR cables this long can degrade the sound- RCA much worse. Check with Rogue that the output of your preamp can drive it.Your best bet is to rethink positioning the system to accomodate <1.5M cables 
Spectron 3SE MK2 vs Wyred 4 Sound SX-1000 S Ii
I have not compared vs Spectron, but had PS Audio GCA 250 and W4S SX 500 monos. I now have a W4S MC 250/500. I just put a Tek Line Cable Reference power cord on it and am blown away. Also replaced a DH Labs Revelation with a PS Audio Transcendent ... 
Bi Amping with Rotel RA 1062 & RB 1070
The purpose of biamping is to separately control the speakers highs and lows. This requres an active XO. No biggie. Behringer and DBX make nice analog XOs for less than $200.You plug your CD or preamp L/R ouputs into the XO. From there, the low/hi... 
Pls help me to choose amplificat to devore nines
PS Audio GCC series. This gives you fully balanced pre/amp. Several great reviews, just google. Better still f you find one with either Underwood or Cullen mod 
Power consumption
Contact PS Audio. They have a fantastic ac regenerator and can answer your questions 
Best Martin Logans for under $2000 used?
I had a pair of CLS MkIIs with modified ladder. I could not get past the very tight sweet spot.I recommend Maggies- 1.6-3.5. And so do several highly respected reviewers.