
Responses from tweak1

The best CD Player for the money
The Raysonic 168 is upsamples to 24/192 has VARIABLE balanced tube output stage, allowing you to eliminate a preamp, unless you have other input needs. A mere $2549. It is beautifully built, handsome and sonically compares to... well, read 6moons ... 
Which Integrated got you off the merry go round?
PS Audio GCC series. You can read many fine reviews 
Cary SLP-05 balanced or single ended
If Hunter's experience is only a "slight" improvement then something is blocking the balanced magic in his system. The difference is HUGE 
High power mono amplifier for 15 inch dual sub?
Get a Class D monoblock like Wyred 4 Sound. They are inexpensive, 85% efficient, fast, powerful, small and light weight 
Digital front end question
The biggest problem with separate dac/trans is the interconnection. Unless you have BNC or better I2Bus, it will transfer in the lowly SPIDF.By getting a player you eliminate the SPIDF a digital interconnect, a power cord, a shelf, iso devices...P... 
Amp upgrade for 2 Ce Sig II
Investigate Wyred 4 Sound amps. Their input stage is very tube friendly. They sound great and are very reasonably priced. Lots of current reviews. 
Can excellent tubes transcend modest amps?
I owned Rogue M 150s and tried evertything aftermarket to get the top end to open up, including gold fuses, and cryoed tubes. Just couldn't compensate for the average output transformers. In fairness, better transformers cost quite a bit more. If ... 
magnepan 1.6 subwoofer recomendations
Subs do more than provide deep bass. They enlarge the sound stage. I use a SVS 2039 PC Plus, a powered sub. It's a tall cylinder with down firing woofer. Recently I laid the woofer on it's side and was blown away. I bought a n oversized creeper fr... 
Best matching pre-amp from ARC or BAT for my XA60
Contact Pass. They know 
Any updates on the Nova Memory Player?
To the Scarlotti, it's about 60% more expensive than an MP. I heard the Scarlotti in the same system as the MP. IMHO dCSs DSD upsampling sucks. Seems you need to add a PCM converter to get most redbooks to sound good. While I love the MP, I am not... 
Speaker Upgrade
We have similar components. I had PS GCP 200/GCPS and sold it after listening to the XLR variable outs of my 168. I also had GCA 250 with Underwood Level 2 mod. I used it to drive my Magnepan 2.5R bass panels and another amp for the ribbons.I am n... 
Bryston BCD-1 to upgrade or not?
The BIG problem with 99% of the separate trans/dacs is the interface connection- SPDIF see PS Audio current newsetter for why.I am very happy with my Raysonic 168. Not only is is a great CD player, but it has balanced variable outs. Meaning, it's ... 
What type of power cable for Krell, confused
While most power cord companies will make you 20 amp female IEC, Krells are typically monster amps and require proper power cords. I recommend Tek Line micro Reference Extreme. I am using them on my amps.He advertises here. 
Best power cord for Subwoofer?
I too have a SVS Ultra. I have tried a lot of PCs, and really like the Tek Line Cables microRefence. He advertises here 
Anyone have or auditioned Seymour AV Ice Block amp
Class D amps are a different breed and require a rethink on speaker cables, power cords, and interconnects.I owned PS Audio GCC 250 for 3 years, and now Wyred4Sound MC 250/500, as I am biamping. After a lot of experimenting, I like...ICs: PS Audio...