
Responses from tweak1

Bluenote Reliability
I had many issues with my Stibbert. I replaced it with a Raysonic 168, added cryoed NOS tubes from tubeman and Herbie Tube coolers. One of my audio friends said the Raysonic sounds even better. So far it's been very reliable. Alas, I did give rup ... 
NuForce vs Red Wine
Unless you are sure the rest of your system is superior to your amps, then and only then, think amp upgrade. 
Balanced SET Amplifier
Maybe this is an opportunity to think outside the SET box. Wyred 4 Sound digital amps are sonic knockouts, energy efficient, and very reasonably priced. 
best high efficiency speakers for under 3 grand
Reference 3A Veena 
High End Isolation - HRS, SRA, Active platforms
Cheap yet highly effective Machina Dynamica Promethean Springs sandwiched between your choice of wood or acrylic boards those you buy locally to save shipping 
vibration isolation bearings
Check out Promethean Springs from Machina Dynamica. They are GREAT! 
Good budget cables?
Clear Day Speaker Cables are a must. He advertises hereMorrow makes really good ICs and power cords. He also advertises here 
Best 6922 tubes for Conrad-Johnson CT6 preamp
I just ordered some rare cryoed Russian NOS from ATSI Tubeman 
What does more power do for Magnepans?
Go to Audio Asylum and locate the planar speaker forum. 
used pre
Not only is remote essential but a remote that adjusts for L/R balance and polarity control (phase). Also consider a fully balanced preamp design- they also have unbalanced I/Os, but rework your system to fully balanced components for greater magi... 
Room Issues
I feel your pain. Getting my room to work with a minimum of treatment has been quite a challenge! Mine is 18 X 31 with open beam ceiling (12' peak), spanish tile floors, front wall 80% floor to ceiling glass, back wall is all glass. After a revolv... 
CD Player to replace my granite 657
I am blown away by my Raysonic 168 with cryoed NOS tubes from ASITubeman. It's less than $3K. See Underwood HiFi ad pn Agon. FYI my previous player was a Bluenote Stibbert Mk II ($5K)! 
Anyone know of good active crossovers?
YES! Behringer CDX 3410. Google Musicians Friend  
Bel Canto Ref 1000s vs. BAT VK6200
If your HT is multichannel consider the Wyred 4 Sound amps which can be ordered any way you want. See Underwood HiFi ads here. Wally is very knowledgeable, and helpful 
PRE_AMP for ATC- actives??
Tube pres have a reputation regarding bloom which is no longer their exclusive domain. SS pres CAN provide better flexibility. For instance, at a much lower price you CAN get remote control of volume, balance, input selection AND polarity control....