
Responses from tweak1

Power Cord Upgrade for Jolida 202
It's a trail and error thing. A lot depneds on the quality of electricity and duplex you are using. FYI, I have 2 PS Audio xStream PCs for sale. They work great with amps, power conditioners, 
More pre-amp help....? Feeling lost
For now consider Scott Endler Attenuators which input directly at the amp. Adjust for highest volume you like, then use the variable volume control on the Oppo 
Speaker cables for Magnepan MG3.6Rs mid/hi
Save yourself a ton of money and order the Clear Day solid Core Silver Shotguns. Do a search here for his ad. 
Usher 6381 or Acoustic Zen adagios
I have 6311s and recently sold a pair of 6371s. If you go with the 6381s get felt surround to tame the splash on the tweeter surface. Also, at the very least biwire, but biamp would be better still 
Tube amp for Magnepan 3.5 with autoformers.
I too have 3.5Rs. 3 weeks ago I bought Wyred 4 Sound SX 500s which I am using on my mid/bass panels. I am using a PS Audio GCA 250- Level 2 mod by Underwood on the ribbons (it is for sale). The only tubes in my rig are in the Raysonic 168. I also ... 
Output tubes for the PrimaLuna 2
I suggest you contact tubeman. He is very knowledgeable. Find him on the web 
Cheapest Sweetest deal you've found
Clear Day Solid Core Speaker Cables, Morrow Audio power cords, and Raysonic 168 CD player 
Is there better pre-amp for "bi-amp"ing ?
Sounds like you need an active XO. check out Behringer DCX2496 mods from Scott Endler. YOu will need to be able to bypass (or defeat) your speaker XOs. 
Multichannel Amp suggestions
See Wyred 4 Sound amps that Underwood HiFi is selling 
Need some recommendations on Tube Preamps
Keep what you have as a pre but get a tube output CD player, like the Raysonic 168 and add cryoed NOS tubes. It is awesome, and tube replacement couldn't be easier- they are on the top 
Best interconnect cable to pair with my maggies.
See Morrow Audio who advertises here. 
Best location setup of turntable
check out Machina Dynamic Promethean base. This would allow you to put it back on top of the rack 
Check out Clear Day Solid Core speaker cables. They are an unqualified bargain 
Best amp under 1k for Soliloquy 5.0s
Go solid state with something like a BVaudio PA 300Si. No longer made, but very reliable- dual mono design with 2 300VA torroids! Tube warmth midrange with solid state bass 
Tube Integrated - Narrowed down to 4 - Help pls
I have seen the ocassional PS Audio GCC-100 for sale. See the reviews comparing it to expensive tube amplification. And it's GREEN, being 85% efficient saves electricity