

Responses from twoleftears

The Virtuoso was supposed to be his latest and greatest integrated, but I have to admit I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever happen...https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/belles-virtuoso-integrated-update  
Swapped long wall to short wall and now I am having some big issues
No chance I suppose of angling the couch and putting the two speakers where Rack 2 and Record bookcase currently sit? 
WAF Speaker suggestions
Go for a Salk Encore 3 BEaT and have her pick out the wood, the stain and the finish.  Win-win. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I don't know if anyone shares my liking for 17C music composed largely prior to the likes of Corelli, Purcell, Telemann, Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, et al., but here's another excellent disc from an ensemble new to me: Ensemble Clematis, made up appare... 
Dunlavy resurrection?
I was going to recommend Peter Noerbaek at PBN, but the website is totally unresponsive.  Has something changed? 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Here's another winner from Andrew Manze and Romanesca: Biagio Marini "Curiose & Moderne Inventioni".  And that's not really bragging on Marini's part: it's with him that the exploration and risk-taking starts that makes the stylus phantasticus... 
Swapped long wall to short wall and now I am having some big issues
Can you try at some kind of an angle?  I.e. not square to either the long or the short wall.  It's one of the things that Johnny Rutan recommends trying. 
Equipment Rack Between Speakers...Good or Bad
Floorstanding GIK panels can also be useful in these circumstances. 
Again the topic of weight of amps
I hear you.  That's why I got Belles Aria monoblocks.  They are back- and apartment-friendly. 
My Thoughts re: Dealers Posting on Audiogon
Picture this.  An OP posts stating his dissatisfaction with a certain model of a certain brand of loudspeaker.  A dealer who sells that brand jumps in and, instead of recommending he upgrade three models higher up the line or change to a (more exp... 
speaker/stand, couple or isolate?
Now what about open topped stands, the kind of stand that, for instance, Harbeths tend to be put on, where there are only four points of contact to begin with, at the corners?  Those stands are made of either metal or wood, so there's another vari... 
My Thoughts re: Dealers Posting on Audiogon
OK, so you're coming at this topic as an ex-dealer yourself?? 
My Thoughts re: Dealers Posting on Audiogon
I agree with 2psyop and rbach.  There's a huge difference between the two contributing dealers from New Jersey, and part of it also is a question of tone and attitude.  2psyop's adjectives are right on the money. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Next up: Europa Galante (Fabio Biondi), "Invenzione e stravaganze", with pieces by Farina, Uccellini, Legrenzi, Mazzaferrata, Vitali, Falconieri, Marini and Rossi.Europa Galante is one of my favorite ensembles specializing in this period, and ther... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
For another rocking piece (different century) try Andreas Staier (my favorite period keyboard player) performing Antonio Soler's Fandango.