

Responses from twoleftears

I got a new pressing made in Holland from an outfit in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, on ebay, and it sounds very good with a very quiet surface.  Nothing to compare it with, though... 
Looking for a good full range floor stander
audiotroy: you appear to be not "au fait" with the latest (and probably greatest) offering from Salk, the SS 9.5, which takes the woofer from the Encore and combines it in a larger cabinet with dual passive radiators.  Salk continues to up his gam... 
Looking for a good full range floor stander
I head the Salk Song3 BeAT and the Encore at CAF, and they did indeed run rings about plenty of more expensive speakers, including an utterly uninspiring pair of Personas.For that room size, look at what may be Salk's masterpiece to date, the SS 9... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Which brings us neatly back to De gustibus…….Ireland's piano concerto.  These Chandos recordings from the 1980s are really excellent.  Often I feel I prefer them to more recent efforts.  The layering of the soundstage and non-spotlighting of the p... 
PASS LABS X150.8 AMP to McIntosh MC462?
That's a backwards move.  Find a way to cool/ventilate the room. 
What does a 'refined sounding' speaker mean ?
It's all about subtlety and nuance.  Lesser systems are brash and, err, less refined. 
Harbeth vs. Focal - Apples and Oranges...
Another strong endorsement for the Fritz.  Excellent bass extension for the size, and across the board an extremely fine performer.  Goldilocks balanced between warm and tipped up. 
System Upgrade
With that super tweeter, the HL5 is the least warmly voiced of the Harbeth range.  Don't be rushed into a speaker change you don't need.It may be the amp, and your room may have something to do with it as well. 
Light weight speaker cables
Wireworld mini series. 
Persona 9h vs S3 mk 2
See various other threads for extremely positive things being said about Suncoast Audio. 
What’s really hurting the audio hobby?
Mail order.  Companies selling direct and stores like Music Direct.What can't be denied is that independent B&M stores are disappearing.  15 years ago where I live there were two; today there are none.  Now if I want to go to the nearest (and ... 
beryllium vs diamond
The N28-BER by Transducer Labs that Fritz uses in his Carrera speaker is the only one I've heard that I think I could live with.  BTW, TL describes this on their website as pure beryllium. 
totem arros and amplification
@aztec76 I own the preamp + monos combo, and won't be changing them any time soon.  But I think more people buy the integrated than anything else. 
Luxman 505ux vs. Belles Aria
Probably fairer to compare to the Aria pre-amp an stereo amp.  Stacked the two units probably aren't much taller than the Luxman. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Another blast from the past, Hamilton Harty piano concerto.  The Chandos recording is really excellent, very clear, good balance between soloist and orchestra, and a nice distant perspective to the whole thing, which for me adds to the (relative) ...