

Responses from twoleftears

Speaker Jumpers
Yes, get the same brand, if possible the same model of cable for the jumpers. 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
Harbeth 40.2Spendor Classic 100Vienna Acoustics LisztSilverline Bolero SupremeDaedalus Argos, Ulysses, ApolloSpatial Audio X2 
Kinki EX M1 user comments
https://www.partsconnexion.com/duelund-interconnect-wire-cable.html https://www.partsconnexion.com/duelund-speaker-cable.html  
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
I lost the thread (pun intended) long ago.  Are we talking about best bang for the buck, however that translates into speaker terms, or best speaker up to 15K, or speaker most matching OP's preferences, or what?Certainly some speakers seem to give... 
Accuracy vs. musicality
The more the sonic illusion of a full orchestra is created, the more it's going to fight with your perception (or at least knowledge, if eyes closed) that the room you're in could not get close to housing a full orchestra.  I think that's why I te... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Stephen Bishop, Beethoven Piano Concertos 3 & 4.  Bryston BCD-3. 
Anyone have an experience with Belles Aria preamp & mono amps vs. tube integrated ?
Several months ago I replaced a Rogue Cronus Magnum II with Belles Aria preamp + monoblocks.  For the price it's an incredible deal.  The Rogue was good, but I like these even better.  They are whisper quiet and need no tinkering with.  Talk to Jo... 
Integrated w/phono but no DAC
Used Belles Aria, if you can find one... 
Marantz SA-10 vs SA-KI Ruby
@leemaze Which one did you buy?  The '10 or the 'K1? 
Help with XLR between Luxman L-509X & Hegel HD30 DAC
US http://www.clarkwire.com/pinoutxlrbalanced.htm Many Japanese manufacturers persist with pin 3 hot. 
Whats playing on your system today?
Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 1-Argerichno. 2-Stephen Bishopno. 3-Perahiared book CD all the way... 
Need longer run power cable for rel subwoofer
Contact Patrick Cullen at Cullen Cables.  He can give you advice and make up exactly the cable you need. 
F7 ?speakers
I presume this is a prototype of middle (10K) model.https://theaudiobeatnik.com/rmaf-2018-rooms-that-must-be-mentioned-part-1-ps-audio-musical-surroundings-and-triangle-arts/  
How thick should the front baffle of speakers be?
How thick is the front baffle of a Harbeth? 
Duelund 16ga vs. 12ga
@grannyring will surely weigh in, but in the meantime, getting two runs of 12 awgs opens up at least three possibilities:1. simply replacing the bass run;2. twisting together with the 16 awgs (effective awg 11) for the bass run;3. twisting the two...