

Responses from twoleftears

I wonder how many audiophiles there are these days
If the number of stores catering to that demographic is any indication, numbers are dwindling.  I used to live in Ann Arbor; in its heyday there were 5 locations, now down to 2.  Where I live now, which is smaller, there were 2 twenty years ago, t... 
recommendation for speaker wire to soften the highs if possible
It's unlikely to be the Ryan or the Belles.  Very unlikely.  Obviously, principal suspicion falls on the Monster, though the situation might not be ameliorated by the Oppo.  I think you should rewire the whole loom, interconnects and speaker.  Mak... 
The larger the company the more likely it is that people in management and sales will come up with price points in a new line of speakers that they want the new product to hit.  Then the designers/engineers make that happen.In a small company, whe... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Mascagni, "L'amico Fritz".  Pavarotti & Freni.Red book CD. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Colosseum - "Valentyne Suite". 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
If the Higgs boson exists, then cable burn-in exists...(Of course, it all comes down to what you mean by "exist".) 
Luxman DA -06 Dac
Seriously consider the Jay's Audio CDT2 MkII transport. 
Is the NuPrime CDT 9 Pro a Best Kept Secret?
The CDT-8 Pro is a transport, that also has an upsampling converter on board (though it seems to be defeatable).The CDP-9 adds full DAC plus preamp functions.It you're looking for an inexpensive transport, the '8 is obviously a competitor to the f... 
Paradigm Persona series
You've got to start with the practical fact that the drivers are beryllium, and therefore there's got to be something in front of them that in theory not even the tiniest of pinkie fingers can fit through.  What that something is, and how it's des... 
Speakers for a very large room?
Walsh Ohm sound like a good idea; don't overlook Shahinian either. 
Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.
I'd seriously consider some Duelund 12 and 16 awg biwires.  Talk to @grannyring 
Another Speaker Recommendation Request
The Spatial X2 is very intriguing, but it's hard to audition short of buying it on the trial period. 
Hypex N core module
Isn't the Evolution model supposed to a step above the ST-10?  There's a thread about it on AudioCircle, I think. 
Need speakers recommendation for my system (in Jakarta, Indonesia)
The Harbeth 40.2 are a bit out of your price range, but would be very good.  If you can, do listen also to the Vienna Acoustics Liszt.  Are ProAcs distributed where you live? 
What’s in a watt
Does the HINT do everything you need?  Seems like a good recommendation.