Responses from twoleftears
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers @skyscraper I've never been to Audio Art, but I exchanged emails a while back. He runs his operation out of his house, and I got the impression that, obviously, he could only stock a fairly limited number of items.Audio Exchange is the one real s... | |
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers @skyscraper, if you're going to do Gifted Listener, Deja Vu, Evolution Audio and Command Performance, you'll definitely need to overnight somewhere in the area. With those four, you get Vienna Acoustics, Vandersteen, Magnepan, Linn, Audio Note, H... | |
Upgraditis? Yes. I think upgraditis begets upgraditis. You get a new component, you're on that endorphin high, and you crave more. If you can hold on, it will level off, and you can stick with the status quo for a while, but then some trigger will come alo... | |
What you can say about lowbass and midbass perfomance for high end loudspeakers ? Yes! A number of designers still using 10-12 inchers; Daedalus, for example, that was using 8", just came out with a couple of models using 10". | |
What you can say about lowbass and midbass perfomance for high end loudspeakers ? Designers started moving aggressively towards multiple smaller diameter woofers driven largely by a desire to make enclosures narrower, a desire driven in turn by a desire to make speakers more self-effacing in domestic rooms. The faster small wo... | |
Opinions on these budget integrateds? This clearance sale on the Nuforce power amp is a stone cold bargain. Pair with a decent but not too expensive preamp and you have an integrated-beating combo. | |
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES I feel some Beach Boys coming on.Also: is Blu-Tack flammable? | |
Upgraditis? The advantage of inexpensive tweaks is that they give you something to agonize about for a while, thereby postponing the need to make that next big purchase... | |
What's Your Approach to Dressing Rack Cables? So many variables.In a typical vertical stack, it will depend on where the connectors are on each of the components. There's no standard, for instance, as to whether input for A/C is on the left, right, or middle. If the components are closely s... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados So many nominations. But how about this? And if you have 5-0 minutes, do try the Currentzis. (Hint, he makes Bernstein sound cool, calm and collected.) | |
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio @keithtexas First we take Athens... then we take Manhattan. (To L.Cohen melody...) | |
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need "0 AWG"Call in the crane! | |
Upgraditis? @rvpiano Come back to the classical music thread you started a while ago. People will re-start posting recommendations of new stuff for us to listen to. | |
Opinions on these budget integrateds? @sforrey David Belles is definitely not like the craftsman you mention. Talk to Johnny Rutan at Audio Connection if you need more of a recommendation. | |
Dynaudio Contour C60 or Magico A3 or Vandersteen Treo CT I auditioned the Contour 60s a few weeks ago. It's an imposing speaker (height). It's also highly competent, in a mainstream modern-speaker-design sort of a way, but it didn't do anything for me. My litmus test is whether I want to stuff them i... |