

Responses from twoleftears

In search for speakers of "natural" sound
The only speaker I've heard (and I certainly haven't heard them all) that is more natural than Harbeths are the Audio Note AN-E's. 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Even if they're been used before, or cooked prior to shipping, they still need time to "settle" in the new system. 
Stillpoints - snake oil?
Really, this is all you need.https://www.supplyhouse.com/DiversiTech-MP-2E-EVA-Anti-Vibration-Pad-2-x-2-x-7-8 Read the 43 reviews! 
Pieces of music that digital can't get right
It looks like you’re comparing two completely different pressings. That introduces a variable that makes drawing any conclusion about the differences between analog and digital invalid.This.  You aren't controlling for the differences in how the s... 
Linn Audio
You could say something similar of Meridian--how many discussions here?  I think both of them lost their way a while back, at least w.r.t. the US market. 
How good is your hearing ? And how do you know ?
Is there a different between what I'll call sensitive hearing, and the physiological ability to hear the whole spectrum appropriate to one's age? 
Quad S-2
http://http//www.quad-hifi.co.uk/product-detail.php?pid=32 These look promising, but I can't figure out why the stated low-end extension is so high....47Hz??? 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
At Command Performance, they have three main rooms.  Heard the Dynaudio Contour 60, Devore 0/93, and Kanta 2, in each of the rooms.  I liked the Kanta best of the three, though it didn't make my shortlist.  YMMV. 
Best used integrated for under $5000
@jl35 For 5K you can buy brand new Aria separates, preamp and two monoblocks.  It looks as if the Virtuoso is seriously delayed, and you still wouldn't get 3 entirely independent power supplies. 
company purchased--founder-designer leaves--establishes new smaller company
Ok, so, does this typically happen in all industries, or is it more frequent in audio? 
Quad S-2
Popularity in the US seem to correlate pretty much directly to market penetration--which in recent years has been sorely lacking in Quad's case, with just the odd exception. Still, things may be picking up. The 3-store Tenacious Sound "chain" is p... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
Imagine a violin and a viola playing an identically pitched note at an identical volume.  The more a speaker enables you immediately to notice the difference in how they sound, the more true-to-timbre it is.I'm not sure there's a word for the phen... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
@skyscraperGifted Listener for Vandersteen, Magnepan, and my favorite there, Vienna Acoustics Liszt.Evolution Audio for Aerial.Command Performance for Dynaudio, Focal, Devore.But you must get yourself to Deja Vu, for Harbeth.The nearest store to D... 
Focal Sopra No 2 vs Magico A3
I'd like to put sciencecop and Alan Shaw in a room together for a couple of hours, and be around when they came out... 
Looking for ideas - new mono blocks for stereo music
Right there in Canada, check out Audio Sensibility for all your cable needs, at real world prices.