

Responses from twoleftears

Kinki Studio EX-M1
@maritime51 Waiting to hear how much of an improvement the after-market power cord makes. 
Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?
Instead of trying to "monetize" the forum directly, what A'gon should realize is that people coming to the forum will likely jump over to sales too.  Indeed, reading forum threads probably inspires people to make purchases there that they wouldn't... 
Kinki Studio EX-M1
@maritime51 Besides Cullen (v. good) you might consider Audio Sensibility.https://audiosensibility.com/blog/products-2/power-cables-2/ If you go up a $$ tier or two higher, then yes, Triode Wire Labs. 
Stenheim Speakers
$60K231 lbs. a side.Dudley liked them in St-pile. 
Duelund DCA16GA
As a rough rule of thumb, if you're braiding four strands of wire, what is the ratio of the length of the unbraided wire to what you end up with?  I.e. how much shorter is it?  1/2?  1/4?  Or? 
Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?
From the same people who brought you the porthole pictures.Will these "enhancements" never end? 
Analysis Audio Out of Business?
Duelund DCA16GA
Upgrade from Pass Labs XA30.8 to X250.8. Worth it?
If you're sticking with sensitive or ultra sensitive speakers, you might want to investigate, instead, the Pass XA25.  Some people who've heard it and the 30.5 prefer it. 
Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound?
Budget cap might be helpful.Many of the NOS [not over-sampling; *not* new old stock] DACs tend to err in that direction... 
another what speaker cable for vandersteen
So many possibilities for model names in this new line!HippogriffManticoreBasiliskand the list goes on and on... 
Want to try separates, what to expect.
By all means explore, but keep the Modwright.That way (1) you can compare in real time between the two sets of components, and (2) you can sell on the separates if they don't outdo the Modwright.You can probably achieve better sound, but how much ... 
Core Power Technologies
Many transformers will hum under certain conditions.  Really good quality ones, produced under high levels of QC, usually don't.  A lot is in the QC.  If the winding is a little "off", an individual example of a brand with a generally good reputat... 
Need Help With Focal Scala Placement
At 2 feet out from the front wall, that would still give you about 7 1/2 feet, on the diagonal, between your ears and the front of the speakers, if you push back to the back wall.  You won't know unless you try it.  If it works pretty well, you ca... 
Need Help With Focal Scala Placement
Is a long wall set-up a possibility?