Responses from twoleftears
Corelli - really???? It just plugs into the unused receptacle of the duplex, or another outlet on the same circuit, or, I think, into an unused socket on your power conditioner/distribution box. Supposedly mild effect throughout the whole house?!? | |
Former Tekton owners: What have you moved on to? @clarinetmonster2 For the record, could you state: budget, willingness to go new and/or used, and chief qualities/priorities for the speakers? | |
Tube Question What made/model is the amp? As already said, there's a strong chance there's nothing to repair. If you send it anywhere, have a good long talk with the repair person before you send it. The problem may be inherent in the AC coming into your hou... | |
Digital Audio for Dummies The OP mentions playing CDs in his first post. | |
I have been using the Cambridge 851 CD player for a few years and want more. So many other threads that you could draw on for information.Probably best to get a couple of DACs with return privileges, hook them up and see how much of an improvement you notice. It may not be exactly cheap to achieve an improvement that you ... | |
New or Old CD Player? @trelja As the owner of a BCD-1, I can attest first-hand that Bryston stands behind their products way after the warranty period has expired. Unfortunately, the transport they used in that is now NLA. For the BCD-3, they chose the StreamUnlimited ... | |
New or Old CD Player? @trelja I just Google-imaged innards of Mohican, Sony and Sanyo CD mechanisms, and the Hegel looks exactly like the Sony, with that tell-tale grid/lattice pattern on top. Hegel, on the Mohican homepage, states that it's Sanyo, but as you say it's... | |
Former Tekton owners: What have you moved on to? Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower?Something Dynaudio? | |
Suggestions from all you wise ones How far is it from Milwaukee to Axpona? | |
Hegel Mohican & Bryston BCD3 Thanks for addressing a question I had a few months ago. Curious as to how you managed to hear then together, or one right after the other. Also, not sure quite what you mean by "crossed over... | |
I have question about frequency response and power issues When you say the M1s are rated at 250w, that's almost certainly the supposed maximum that they can handle, not the range that they're comfortable with. Agree with previous posters. Also, all about input and output impedances, and matches between... | |
Tube Question +1. Almost certainly transformer. Do you hear the hum when you're close to the unit, through the speakers, or both? Any which way, transformer. Could be DC on the line, could be ground loop, could be a transformer that hums. (Other manufactur... | |
Is Agon becoming the eBay of audio? Isn't there a 10/10 rating as well as "New"? | |
New or Old CD Player? Disk drives and laser heads wear out. Some can be replaced, some not. It makes absolute sense to get a newer or a new unit. Used Sim 750 and 650, plus Mohican, Bryston BCD-3 and now Primare CD35 would all be on my radar. | |
Transport for Exogal Comet Plus DAC @jayctoy Gungnir, unmodified. |