Responses from twoleftears
Mono Blocks on a Budget, is it possible? I'd have thought the PS Audio Stellar M700's would be an obvious recommendation. | |
What are the best entry level integrated amps and speakers? @wim1983 Have you heard any of the S- or Z- series Quads? | |
Best sounding compact integrated amp < $2k? Creek. | |
Stand mount loudspeakers Joseph Audio Pulsar. | |
New or Old CD Player? An omission (mea culpa). I am reminded that the Simaudio Neo 260D at 3K is another direct competitor to the Bryston, Hegel, and Primare. | |
thread for PMC owners On that same auditioning binge, I also listened to some Facts (I forget which model, not the biggest floorstander). I liked it too, but thought it perhaps a little more strictly neutral in presentation, whereas the twenty's just had a hint of war... | |
What are the best entry level integrated amps and speakers? There's also an almost new Creek Evolution 50a, which would be a very good buy. Combine with speakers of choice, but I doubt you'd beat the aforementioned Silverlines. | |
thread for PMC owners PMC and Focal have very different presentations. As a PMC owner, you'll understand that I prefer its sound profile. I was able to audition twenty.23, Focal, and twenty.24 on same day/consecutive days. There's a strong family resemblance between... | |
Good Speaker within a budget of USD10,000 PMC Twenty5.26 or the Twenty.26 would both be very good. | |
Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER! @falconquest Having heard their baby brothers, the Liszt, I have no doubt that the Music would be absolutely superlative. | |
Schiit Gungnir Multibit modification — the noise is gone. Schiit addresses this on their website, under Questions/DAC. Apparently it has to do with how a particular transport handles the datastream when the transport is paused. Unfortunate that one of the most obvious choices to pair with the Gungnir h... | |
Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER! Surely there's some magic cream that you can smear your ears with (inside and out for best results) to improve the auditory experience. | |
New or Old CD Player? The nearest contenders are the Primare CD35 using ESS Sabre chipset and TEAC transport, and Bryston BCD-3 using AKM chipset (AK4490) and (Austrian) StreamUnlimited transport. | |
Schiit Gungnir Multibit modification — the noise is gone. How about the dreaded click-click-click on Pause? | |
Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!) Any love for Spatial Audio?Also I notice no mention of Emerald Physics. |