

Responses from twoleftears

Rookie Question, maybe
Speakers ratings are always approximative, just look at any measured impedance curve.  They give a rough idea of how hard they might be to drive.  I doubt many amp's 4 and 8 ohm hook-ups are exact either.  The obvious thing is to start with 4 to 4... 
Should I eliminate my preamp?
@audioconnection +2.  You need to think about the quality of the electronics involved, as well as issues like impedance matching. Use your ears, but it's extremely likely you'll prefer avec pre-amp. 
Speakers "Disappearing"
Pulling speakers further out into the room is the single best improvement in placement one can make.  Bass reinforcement be damned!Showrooms are particularly bad in this regard.  Almost always they have the boxes jammed back, partly to avoid punte... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Hyperbole, hyperbole, hyperbole.Sellers are at pains to magnify whatever differences/improvements their 1K product has over the standard 50-buck special.Listeners are so excited when they actually hear any difference, whether it's genuinely an "im... 
Help with integrated amp choice
On Audiogon right now.Hegel H-160Simaudio Moon 240iless expensive Creek Evolution 100AHalo is also a good rec. when one's to be had. 
Power amp/integrated amp suggestions for SUPER POWER HUNGRY/INEFFICIENT SPEAKERS
Sanders Sound Magtech amp.  Done/. 
Question for tube aficionados
Interesting.  The figures in this review suggest an average-ish impedance curve.http://www.hifi-classic.net/review/dahlquist-dq-20-243.html Did the modifications make them harder to drive? 
Two Type of sound and listener preference are there more?
The redhead every time! 
Power Cord for Pass Int 60-Under 1K used
There are a gazillion after-market power cords, made by large corporations and lonely individuals, from under $100 to many thousands of $$.  No one has tried them all in all possible systems.  So you try a few which seem to have a good rep. or abo... 
Question for tube aficionados
What are the speakers, that need such a firm grip? 
Publication bias and confounders in product reviews - TAS, Stereophile, Audiogon, etcetera
Publication bias and confounders in product reviews - TAS, Stereophile, Audiogon, etcetera
You only need to look at the last few months' issues of Stereophile and Absolute Sound to see a multi-pronged and significant push for MQA. 
PC or Line Conditioner
This is what's inside a L-5xe.https://audio.com.pl/images/0/6/9/24069-max_ayre_k5xe_v5xe_18.jpg I find it a challenge to understand why these are 2.5K new. 
Elgar Line Conditioners
I seem to remember that atmasphere regularly recommends these. 
Just confused about where to start
There are both Dynaudio XEO 2 standmount and XEO 6 floorstanders on Audiogon right now.  1K and 2.5K.  A lot more bass with the '6 if that's important to you.  An excellent way to go.