Responses from twoleftears
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1) @jond he'll never tell you, because the wonders of 3D Tru-Fi are strictly limited to a few, a very few, initiates, who know how to take the right micro-steps to implement the electronic dimensionality correctly. | |
Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates @asp307 Agreed that moving from a 2.5K integrated to a 3.5k pre-amp connected to a 3.5K amp *should* make a considerable difference, but in this "hobby" I’ve found that dollar-based logic doesn’t always work out the way you’d expect it to. Still, ... | |
Tube preamp recommendations $3K-$7K range Rogue RP-5. | |
Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates I tend to agree with @helomech. As a CMII owner, I have inevitably wondered what it would be like to replace it with an RP-5 and Stereo 100, but until I get a chance to hear that combo, I’ve concluded that the difference would in all likelihood b... | |
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord? What we need is an informant from inside the company to spill the beans to the Washington Post. | |
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1) How envious I am of those initiates of Tru-Fi and 3D listening--those "happy few", from what I can see those very, very few. It's a shame that one needs more than Statement Audio Pro measurement, 24k golden ears, a sixth sense, and a micrometer i... | |
Analog integrated amp recommendation Sim 600i or Ayre AX-5 [not Twenty]--used. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados I've been plugging through the Hyperion 19C piano concerto series, with many worthy but ultimately forgettable pieces. Last night listened to some Scharwenka concertos, that were surprisingly good. On Collins, though I see he's on Hyperion as we... | |
Why does unplugging/replugging TT leads from tube phono pre-amp reset dead channel? As others have said, clearly the movement (wiggling) caused when you attach or detach RCA plugs to the sockets is causing something to touch and hence reconnect. | |
Set me straight, don't pull punches For starters, it sounds to me as if the Peachtree is faulty. You've swopped in a different integrated, and it's louder? Have you tried the same line-source through the several different line-source inputs? Process of elimination is the only way... | |
What are the best loudspeakers under $4000 to re-create lifelike piano @calvinj Vienna acoustics Taking another listen to the VA Liszts recently, I remarked that I had never heard the attack on the leading edge of the piano notes rendered in such a life-like fashion. Of course, it will depend a good deal on the rec... | |
PS Audio PWT and PWD MK II--recent acquisiton Can you listen to any Vienna Acoustics models? Or Spendor? | |
Plinius 8200 mk2, really low volume!! If all the cables are hooked up correctly, and firmly secured, then to be sure of the culprit, you'll have to go through the elimination protocol.Plug a line-source (e.g. CD-player) into one of the line inputs. Test.Plug another phono source into... | |
Acrolink Cables, anyone heard them? Cheaper and faster here. And check out the seller's rating. | |
Help needed for a skeptic! A couple of used purchases is fine, but if you want to shuttle in and out four or five different brands in fairly short order, I don't know of a viable alternative to the Cable Co. |