Responses from twoleftears
What is the future for Proac Speakers ? You can find 12" square granite floor tiles in Lowes's or Home Depot. Buy three per side and glue together with adhesive caulk (for constrained layering!). Cool colors and a finished look... | |
Are HT speakers best for primary audio listening or not? De gustibus no est... etc. etc.Not saying audio speakers can't be used for home theatre, many very successfully.And some audio speakers are similarly voiced in that "technicolor" way: e.g. the Sonus Faber Venere's, which sounded very impressive fo... | |
What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers I ran B&W DM1800 speakers (with integral stands) as my main speakers for years. They were great, and I didn't feel the need to upgrade for the longest of times. B&W peaked with the Series III and pretty much went downhill since then. Mo... | |
KEF, ProAc, Monitor Audio and others My new 4D system leaves conventional stereo and 3D in the dust.Besides width, depth, and height, 4D adds the further dimension of PRAT.Thanks to the "magic" of 4D, you are transported through a wormhole to the experience of the actual audio event ... | |
Are HT speakers best for primary audio listening or not? Short answer: no.Speakers that have been designed with a view to their being used primarily in a HT system, will, typically, have been voiced differently. In my experience they often have a "technicolor" quality that makes soundtracks sound very ... | |
Please suggest bookshelf with best bass response under $4000 pr. Here's one more for the list: Watkins Stereo.Their slogan: "A Breakthrough in Low Bass for Bookshelf Speakers" heard one? | |
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord? Where's klh007 when you need him? | |
$20K to spend on speakers…. . wait! There’s a catch! Check out milpai's posts. He searched for two years, travelled to a bunch of places, and eventually settled on the D48R. *That* is a recommendation. | |
KEF, ProAc, Monitor Audio and others How did you like the ProAc? What didn't you like about the Liszts?The other speaker that should be on your list is the Spendor D9.And yes, check out also Dynaudio Contour 60. | |
Soundstage........ ^ This.Most basically, experiment with moving speakers wider apart and then closer together than you have them at the moment. Likewise, experiment with pulling them out further from the wall behind them. Then, when you have a handle on improveme... | |
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord? Is this such a shoestring operation that they can't hire *one* more person to deal with phone calls, orders, posting on A'gon, etc.?I mean, are there units of the original Equi=core's still being manufactured? By whom? What about QC? I was seri... | |
$20K to spend on speakers…. . wait! There’s a catch! With 20K you can afford a bit of a loss. Buy the used, and if you don't like them, sell them on. You're out, what?, 1K for an extended home audition. Compare that to what happens, cost-wise, if you don't like the new ones. | |
Looking to get into tubes on the cheap Jolida or Cayin. | |
Mixing speaker cables on bi-wired speakers Years ago Synergistic Research made a bi-ware speaker cable (with just one set of connectors at the amp end) that had a smaller wire on top and a heftier wire for the woofers. | |
Why no discussions of Paradigm Persona for Home Theater? I heard the Persona B's this past summer. They were good, but they didn't blow me away. Particularly impressive was the amount of bass coming out of that small box. Timbre-wise, pretty neutral. A solidly engineered speaker, that--for me [YMMV]... |