Responses from twoleftears
Equi=core 1200 OR Equi=tech 1R OR Isotek EVO3 Aquarius Thanks for the feedback. I found this video; unless I’m missing something, it’s pretty impressive.’s not a great deal inside the unit. Mainly what look like chokes to me. No idea what language this i... | |
Does a new cd transport require break-in time? From Schiit:Clicking When Changing Sample Rates/Pausing/Etc. 1. It’s totally normal for our Bifrost and Gungnir DACs to click (mechanically, from the chassis) during normal operation. That’s the muting relay, doing its job. It clicks whenever the ... | |
My speaker quest You might try to hear the Vienna Acoustic Liszts. Speaking as a ProAc and PMC owner, I liked them a lot. | |
Opening a can of worms What this does is call into question the notion of the "sweet spot", at least as far as cables are concerned. No, not your listening chair, but rather the price point in the "family" of products where performance and price are best balanced.If yo... | |
stereo receiver recommendations Magnum Dynalab have five models. | |
Please suggest bookshelf with best bass response under $4000 pr. The Totem Mani-2 used to have the most impressive bass I've heard out of a monitor-sized box.None of their current stand-mount options are specified below 40 Hz. | |
Switching to solid state amp? I ran an Ayre AX-7 for a while. When I inserted a Rogue CMII into the system, the Ayre got relegated to the secondary system. | |
$3000 Speaker Search Given your preferences, I recommend you try and listen also to Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grands. There's something very special about that model. | |
Come on people....BASS! Good one.Rouge gear gets it's rendering of the base timber just rite. | |
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect! I don't remember the name of the guy (German? Austrian?), but he has videos on youtube.Basically, his method is this: hook up just one speaker, and position it exactly where you will be *sitting*, right in front of your chair or move the chair and... | |
$3000 Speaker Search ProAc Studios, or look at Silverline for even more efficient and sweet-sounding speakers. | |
looking for the best cd transport only, without dac The remote that comes with the Cambridge is pretty deficient (no individual numbered track access, no toggling of time display), but it gets the job done. | |
GoldenEar vs Dynaudio vs Nola vs ProAc vs Everything else. With that kind of budget, definitely go ProAc--you won't regret it. | |
Switching to solid state amp? From Cary I switched to Ayre, which is supposed to be pretty sweet-sounding, but here I am back with Rogue. YMMV. | |
Help me narrow down some speaker choices I'd try to listen to the upper echelons of Vandersteen and ProAc. Both have excellent tweeters. |