
Discussions whatjd has started

Mitsubishi question...11443
Former Sony High-End, Champagne front players. 17606
How has the Magnum indoor antenna SR-100 worked for you?17165
Audiophiles and nostalgia, 166511
What was in your first "real" higher end audio system?223720
Were the Marantz 17 series sold in the U.S.?7062
Ebay and AudiogoN, listings and the economic crisis. 175420
Advent 2 speakers in white, anyone else?25762
Al Jarreau albums question..9923
Any still using the Dahlquist DQ-10 speakers?762212
Can anyone give details on some multi-channel thoughts/purpose?125115
Radio Days..............and you?116311
How much is "LOUD" still a reference point for some?315825
Modern Architecture/Modern Furniture/Modern Audio System...to share?18758
Streaming? I know nothing about it, questions as to sound.12434