
Discussions whatjd has started

In ear? vs. On/over ear? Your experience42259
If you could use an excellent table FM radio for office, kitchen,,..etc. 22937
Any of you own a classic Modern Stereo Console?208811
Classical, Rock, Jazz etc. are your tastes evolving with time? 188925
What are your top 3, or more, favorite music types, 6261
Photos with ads????16176
What are the current "speaker trends" in your opinions?262627
Your reference for "the absolute" sound? 174315
If you need a 2nd system or one for a college dorm room...a suggestion. 16193
Interconnects and Speaker Cable, What in your history hit your pleasure button?1550351
Perhaps not esoteric or "fringe" but the Chester and Lester album can bring pleasure 9215
Whatever happened to the "Wanted" ad section? 206712
The low frequency response is Bass, not Base.176529
Audiopile hyperbole, reference, SOTA, ultimate and more...346942
Special pressing LPs when the master was digitally recorded?17968