
Discussions whatjd has started

Old favorites that you still play and still "feel". 97420
What/who do you listen to that you feel is a bit of an unknown?168945
Rosenut..........is that a big Pete Rose fan? 85711
What are the sexiest components ever made? 14121152
Magnum Dynalab MD-208 Receiver vs. newer MD-209 Receiver 36143
Damn, what a joy to have good College FM stations.221323
Older Tuners, esp. Sansui19583
Any currently using a Classe CP-50 or 60 pre amp, or prior experience?45614
What are the DACs that use good circuits in the Audio sections? 143313
Balanced circuits vs. placebo inputs and outputs but no balanced circuits 12201
What are the most used terms that say the least in the "High-End"?388539
Denon M-10 system with Mission speakers, question. 8081
Sansui TU-919 And now?12611
A second system disk player? Suggestions?12324
Audio Research CD-2, any still using, or feedback on your experience.43214